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Showing a Boxer

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Tags: Boxers, Show, Training

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Boxers are one of the more popular dog breeds in existence today, and a large part of this popularity centers around the fact that in addition to being loyal and loving pets they are also excellent show dogs. Many people don't realize it, but the breed was actually introduced to the world during a dog show in the 1890's and has been a staple of the show dog world ever since.

Dog shows can contain a variety of different types of competitions, ranging from fund-raising events that allow both pedigree and non-pedigree dogs to compete openly against each other to more specific competitions that require dogs to belong to a certain breed or to be a certain type of dog. Boxers tend to perform well in all types of shows, as they are intelligent dogs that can generally learn a variety of tricks and postures with relatively little difficulty.

Should you plan on showing a boxer that you're raising, it is in your best interest to begin training your dog for the shows from a young age. Many breeders who plan on showing boxers start their training as early as 6 weeks old, teaching them some of the basic postures that will be needed once they are competing in a dog show. Contact local dog clubs or kennel clubs in order to get more information on the shows that you have access to in your area, as well as to get advice on exactly what you'll need to do in order to train your boxer to perform well once they begin competing. Your puppy will need to be registered with a kennel club in order to qualify for some event types, and you may also be able to compete in smaller shows organized by the clubs themselves as a way of getting used to working with your boxer in a show environment without having to deal with the added pressure and distractions of larger shows. Many champion dogs get their start from local club shows, moving on to more intense competition as both the dog and the owner become more used to the ins and outs of show performance.

Once you've spent time training your boxer and are ready to attend a small show as a competitor, you'll need to take the time necessary to get your dog looking like a champion. Bathe and groom your boxer the night before the show, and make sure that you are well-groomed as well. Wear an outfit that contrasts with the color of your dog so that the judges views of your dog won't be impaired from a distance because your boxer's coat too closely matches your clothing colors. Arrive at the show early enough so that you'll have time to calm down your box from the excitement of being at a new place and being surrounded by other dogs, making sure that you calm yourself down as well. Make sure that the judges are able to get a good look at your dog when you first present him, keeping in mind that the judges will be looking at both your boxer's profile and his head and mouth. There will be additional opportunities for the judges to inspect your boxer, but that first showing is when they will make their largest assessment. Remain calm and remember the training that you and your dog have done, and you should be ready to face the judges decision.

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Showing a Boxer
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