Cherry Eye
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Cherry Eye

Third Eyelid Prolapse Cause of "Cherry Eye" Syndrome

Stars in your eyes are one thing, but "cherries" in your dog's eyes signal trouble. Clinically known as nictitans gland prolapse, cherry eye leaves a mass of red tissue visible in the inside corner of the dog's eye. The condition occurs when the dog's third eyelid pops out or otherwise becomes dislodged from its normal position. Like cats, dogs have three eyelids - an upper, a lower and a third, largely invisible, eyelid which contains a tear gland and acts as a windshield wiper across the eye. It's when this third eyelid comes loose from its normal position (prolapses) and swells that the animal is diagnosed with cherry eye. [...]

Cherry Eye

The feline eyelid is very different from human eyelids. First of all cats do not have cilia, which we know as eyelashes, though they do have a thin layer of lashes that are somewhat like eyelashes, simply because they are different from any other kind of hair. The cat's eyelids are also more tightly fit against the cornea than humans. The conjunctiva is a thin membrane that covers the eyeball. The conjunctiva and eyelid touch. Felines have less of a conjunctival sac than humans. Because the eyelid is so close to the conjunctiva it can be subject to several kinds of infections such as conjunctivitis (reddening of the eye). Persian and Himalayan cats suffer from various glandular cysts in the eyelids. [...]

Eye Injuries

One of the most frightening things for a dog owner to deal with is an eye injury or head injury to their dog that has affected the eye area. This is a very sensitive area for the dog and is easily hurt and irritated, just like for a human. Understanding how to assess the problem and provide some basic first aid until the dog can be seen by a vet is critical in both staying calm and hopefully protecting as much of the dog's vision as possible. Many eye injuries are caused by irritations in the eye that are either from the dog's hair or eyelashes or from foreign materials getting into the eye itself. These foreign objects can be pieces of grass or vegetation or even more serious issues such as glass, metal shards, splinters or virtually any other type of object or debris. When dealing with eye injuries it is important to be able to assess the injury and take appropriate first aid measures as quickly as possible. [...]

Basset Hound Health Issues

Basset Hounds, perhaps because they were originally developed by using dwarf lines found within Bloodhound and other hunting hounds, tend to have slightly more health concerns than most of the other hound breeds. They have also had significant spikes in popularity throughout history, leading to poor breeding practices by many backyard types of breeders only in it for the money. Reputable breeders and kennels have maintained very healthy and genetically sound Basset Hounds that have few of the health issues listed below. [...]

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