Tenerife Dog, Bichon Tenerife, and Bichon a poil Frise. Articles
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Bichon Frises

Aliases: Tenerife Dog, Bichon Tenerife, and Bichon a poil Frise.

Bichon Frise For Sale

Bichon Frise Articles

Clips and Coat Styles for a Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are curly little powderpuff lapdogs that do not shed so do require a lot of clipping and grooming to keep them looking their best. For owners that take their treasured pet to a groomer, ask to see pictures of the different clips and coat styles available for your Bichon Frise. Many dog-grooming salons keep a photo album with pictures of many of their doggy clients and the finished hair cut. [...]

The High Energy Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are white, small, fluffy energetic dogs with a curly coat a plumed tail carried over their back. These fun, intelligent, playful dogs do best in homes where someone is around most of the time. Although this breed normally requires moderate exercise, some Bichon Frises are just naturally very high energy. All dogs need basic obedience training but a high-energy dog, Bichon Frise included, requires more advanced obedience training so you have control over your pet. [...]

Eye and Dental Care for a Bichon Frise

Just like people, Bichon Frises require regular dental care to keep their teeth and gums healthy and prevent periodontal disease. Gingivitis, caused by plaque and tartar buildup could lead to more serious health problems if left unattended. Starting dental care when your Bichon Frise is young and checking your pet's mouth for problems will help avoid many dental problems from occurring. [...]

Bichon Frise: A True Family Pet

The Bichon Frise is a small white dog that typically weighs between seven to ten pounds. They stand from nine to twelve inches in height and have dark brown or black eyes and black lips and nose. Although mostly white in color, some Bichon Frises have shades of apricot, buff, or cream around their feathery drop ears. They have short legs and a longer body, and a curved tail, which goes over the Bichon Fries back. The first time people see a Bichon Frise, they fall in love with not only their beauty but their entertaining, loveable personality. When looking for a true family pet, the little, adorable Bichon Frises are perfect. [...]

Traveling With a Bichon Frise

A Bichon Frise is such a treasured, important member of the family that many people want their dog along whenever possible including going on a trip or taking a vacation. They do not want to leave their best four-footed friend in the care of friends or at a kennel. Traveling with your dog in the car can be a great experience if you plan ahead and use common sense. When considering taking your pet with you, your Bichon Frise should be in good health, well behaved, trained to stop barking, and travel well. Traveling any distance with a pet that barks incessantly or is continuously carsick could certainly put on damper on the drive. [...]

Are Bichon Frise Good for People with Allergies?

For people that are allergic to dogs, it is most common to suffer from contact allergies, which are allergy-producing proteins produced in the animal's skin. These sticky dead skin cell proteins become deposited on a dog's hair when he or she licks itself. This protein adheres to the surface of objects such as furniture, dust, carpets, clothing, and people when dog hair contacts them. [...]

Cool Fashion Styles For A Bichon Frise

In Bichon Frise owner's eyes, their pets are personable, loveable, playful important members of the family that they love unconditionally. They want the best for their Bichon Frise and that includes cool fashion styles and apparel. There was a time when the only clothes available for your pet were sweaters and boots for cold and rainy weather. [...]

Showing Your Bichon Frise

Every Bichon Frise owner loves their pet, finds it completely adorable and believes it would make a wonderful show dog. Unfortunately, that is not all that is required. In order for you to show a Bichon Frise, your dog must meet the standards set by the American Kennel Club. If you find that your dog meets most of the AKC standards, there are reputable handlers that can evaluate your dog and let you know if it has show possibilities. [...]

Deciding to Breed Your Bichon Frise

Deciding to breed your Bichon Frise is something a person needs to spend a lot of time thinking about beforehand. Some of the wrong reasons for deciding to breed your dog includes thinking that selling your Bichon Frise puppies is a fast, easy way to make money or mistakenly believing that by allowing your Bichon Frise to have one litter, this will not only help quiet her down but is better health wise. [...]

Bichon Frise Weird Facts Did You Know?

Bichon Frise are not only adorable to look at but make wonderful, loving, lively, entertaining companions and family dogs. They love you unconditionally and never worry about how you look or what you are wearing. Bichon Frises return the love you give them one hundred fold. Here are some interesting or weird facts about Bichon Frise and other dogs that you probably never knew. [...]

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