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Creating A New Breed: Linda Spurlin & The Alaskan Klee Kai

How do you create an entirely new breed of dog? You start with a dream, add persistence and dedication, and multiply by excellence in breeding standards-precisely the way Linda Spurlin developed the Alaskan Klee Kai. [...]

Buying And Selection Guide For The American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog that has received a lot of publicity both in support and in criticism of the breed. But by and large, the majority of Pit Bulls have proven themselves as very good pets and service animals. Before you bring home a 'pittie' as they are so often affectionately referred to, you should do some research to ensure that you are bringing home a safe, healthy animal. [...]

Mating and Pregnancy or the American Water Spaniel

Because the American Water Spaniel is such a rare breed, mating and pregnancy should be approached with great care. While there are several American Water Spaniel breeders in existence, there are only three bloodlines left in the entire world. This makes it extremely important to do the proper amount of research before taking on this task. At twenty five to forty pounds the female American Water Spaniel is a medium size dog that generally sails through uneventful episodes of mating and pregnancy. [...]

Poodle Hybrids

The fad of "designer dogs" has become popular nowadays, so much so people are paying top dollar for mixed breed dogs heavily advertised as unique and glamorous. Designer dogs are mixed breed dogs whose ancestry is known; these crosses are becoming more and more deliberate, with individuals trying to capitalize on the new trend by breeding and marketing interesting crosses. One of the breeds used most frequently to create these new designer dogs is the Poodle; their popularity mainly stems from the fact that Poodles do not shed and are very good pets for people who suffer from allergies, though the fact that they are intelligent and good family dogs also plays a role in their use. Some critics of the designer dog trend seem to think, though, that people just like the names of the cross breeds; a cockapoo or a labradoodle just sounds cute. [...]

Breeding The Belgian Sheepdog

There are several varieties of Belgian Sheepdogs, and though they have their own special characteristics, inter-breed mating is both possible and encouraged. Whether you choose to use a professional breeder or do it yourself, it's important to understand the Belgian Sheepdog before you attempt to breed your dog with the same variety or a different one. That means knowing not just the breed but also your dog and the one you choose to mate with your dog. [...]

Mating and Pregnancy of the Black and Tan Coonhound

Pregnancies of a large breed dog such as the Black and Tan Coonhound are typically much easier than toy breeds that have very small pelvises. However, whether it is a large breed or small breed, no female dog should be bred before the age of two. This is to ensure that the female's pelvis has had a chance to fully develop. When planning to breed, owners must first take their female Black and Tan Coonhound to be examined and tested by a veterinarian. These tests cannot be performed until approximately two years of age. Another bonus of waiting is being able to determine the female's heat cycle. In general, this will come every six to seven months. Gauging a cycle helps owners better prepare for when the actual breeding time comes. [...]

Red & White: Throwbacks In The Border Collie Gene Pool

The importance of color in the Border Collie depends primarily on the owner; owners of working dogs have historically cared little about the color of the dogs-only that the dog be able to perform his or her duties. Owners interested in entering conformation show rings need to pay more attention in order to present a winning dog, and dogs must meet the Border Collie breed standard of the sponsoring Kennel Club. [...]

Pyometra: A Potentially Dangerous Situation

Pyometra is a medical condition in which pus is accumulated in the uterus of a dog. It usually happens after the animal has gone through a heat cycle without becoming pregnant. Hormonal abnormalities result in the uterine lining becoming thick. When this happens, fluid begins to accumulate within the thickened walls, infection develops and the uterus fills with pus. In certain conditions, namely if the cervix is open, the pus will drain from the dog through the vagina and is an unpleasant, but not especially life-threatening concern. If the cervix is closed, however, the pus will be trapped inside the uterus and cannot drain outside the body. At this point, the infection rapidly becomes a threat to the dog's life. [...]

Schipperke Mating and Pregnancy Guidelines

When it comes to smaller dogs such as the Schipperke, special care should be taken when it comes to mating and pregnancy. While the large majority of pregnancies go by without incident, smaller breeds always warrant just a little bit more attention than larger breeds. This is because of their small stature and pelvis size. The added weight of a pregnancy can sometimes cause undue stress on hip joints of a bone structure that is only meant to accommodate twenty pounds or less. To ensure a healthy pregnancy and litter, a female needs to be at least two years of age before her first mating. Special tests that are needed cannot be performed before this age. It also provides time for owners to track their female's heat cycles. [...]

The Tragedy of the Field Spaniel

As a cross between the Springer and the Cocker Spaniel, the modern-day Field Spaniel did not come into distinction as a separate breed without any difficulty. In fact, it met with a tragedy that almost resulted in its near extinction. This happened in the 19th century almost right after it was first recognized as a separate breed from the Cocker Spaniel. Its selective breeding met with dismal results because the new type of Field Spaniel was unable to work in the field as well as it used to. At the end of World War II, Field Spaniels became very rare and had their championship status withdrawn. [...]

Reproductions Restrictions On The French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is not a dog that comes with no strings attached. This is a breed that is expensive to buy and to keep, a dog with a good potential for future health issues that will require excellent veterinary care, increasing the cost of maintaining these dogs even as pets. Many times, owners will consider breeding their French Bulldog either in an attempt to make some profit with their dog, or to proliferate the breed. [...]

Breeding the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

Breeders of the Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen often take pride in the quality dogs they produce from their kennels. They often try to breed dogs that have temperaments and personalities that make them great companions for new owners. While breeding a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen litter may seem like a good way to earn money, since pure breeds are raking in huge amounts due to the dogs' pedigree classifications, there are a few things you need to consider before you try your hand at breeding. [...]

Mating and Pregnancy of the Rhodesian Ridgeback

As the seasoned breeder has come to find, the mating and pregnancy of the Rhodesian Ridgeback must consist of carefully selected males and females. While the characteristic ridge is of utmost importance, it is also imperative that specimens be a non carrier of genetic maladies common in the breed. Because of the many strains of dog in their background, mixed breed dogs such as the Rhodesian Ridgeback are more likely to be carriers of genetic maladies. This is not to say the breed is unhealthy, only that there is a knowledge for breeding Ridgebacks that amateurs and backyard breeders are not likely to understand or recognize. [...]

Breeding a Norwegian Buhund

Dog breeding is not easy, especially for medium and large-sized dogs. The Norwegian Buhund is one of those dogs that require quite a lot of patience to breed. To ensure a healthy and happy Norwegian Buhund, you have to invest quite some time and effort. If you are planning to breed such a dog, there are a few things that you need to consider first.First of all, a Norwegian Buhund dog has its own distinct health conditions. Generally, this breed of dog is reasonably healthy. However, it is important that you bring it for routine health checks to make sure that it remains healthy always. In rare cases, there are some dogs that have recessive genes that make them more vulnerable to certain diseases. It is important that you are always aware of your Norwegian Buhund's physical well-being so that you can start treating any medical conditions early as soon as they begin to cause health problems for your dog. [...]

Breeding Red and White Setters

Breeding the Red and White Setter is not a simple task. Proper breeding requires a lot of knowledge on the breed and its pedigree. Many people simply give away or sell their litters but that does not make them breeders. Special knowledge and care is required to breed healthy Red and White Setters that are free from disease and genetic defects. If you're interested in breeding the Red and White Setter, there are a few basics that you should know to make sure you're breeding healthy dogs that are legitimate Red and White Setters.Before you begin breeding Red and White Setters, you should first make sure that you understand the physical attributes associated specifically with the breed. As the name suggests, the majority of the coat is white with medium-sized patches of red. Some flecks may be acceptable for competitions, but under no circumstances will roaning be accepted, at least not if you're breeding show dogs. [...]

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