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Articles > Keywords > lameness


OCD: A Leading Cause of Canine Arthritis, Joint Damage

Yet another of the many arthritic conditions that can disable your dog is one known as OCD, which stands for either osteochondritis dissecans or osteochondrosis dissecans. OCD is a disease that affects the cartilage - the spongy tissue that cushions the space between joints and allows them to work smoothly together. Anything that damages or erodes this cartilage can lead to arthritis, resulting in joint pain, swelling and lameness. In the case of OCD, the cartilage is either damaged or grows abnormally. Instead of remaining attached to the bone that it's cushioning, the cartilage either separates or develops cracks. Sometimes pieces of cartilage will break off and float freely within the joint itself, where they continue to grow. All three of these problems cause extreme pain for the affected animal. [...]


Lameness is a very common problem found in felines. Lameness can be caused by a number of factors contributing to the cat's inability to walk normally. Lameness refers specifically to walking with a limp or having difficulty walking. Essentially, the various reasons for difficulty in walking can be attributed to some disease of the musculoskeletal system brought on by genetic factors, trauma to the bones, virus and other infections, and arthritis. Yet, in many cases the root cause of lameness is really not known. Listed here are some conditions and diseases where lameness is known to occur. [...]

The Wide Range Of Lameness Problems In Horses

There is a huge range of reasons why a horse may become lame and they can be relatively simple and easy to treat to severely debilitating and permanently damaging to the horse. As with most types of health conditions the earlier the condition is noted, diagnosed and treated the greater the likelihood that the condition can be controlled and the damage minimized. One of the most common causes of lameness in horses is injury to the joint, muscles or tendons in the leg itself. Horses, just like humans, can strain, hyperextend, twist or bruise their limbs, resulting in troubles moving. Usually lameness that is a result of an injury will occur only in one limb, but may be more severe if the horse fell or was in an accident. As with many types of sprains or muscle stress, there may be no external signs of damage to the area but there may be swelling and an increased temperature to the area. Of the joints of the legs will be most prone to this type of injury. [...]

Laminitis Or Founder: A Leading Cause Of Foot Problems

Laminitis is often called founder, but the two are really not the same thing. Laminitis is the actual damage to the tissue of the laminae of the hoof, while founder is the ongoing conditions that occur that are a result of the laminitis. Since most horse owners interchange the two terms, it is always important to confirm which condition they are referring too. Laminitis as well as founder can occur in a range of severities from mild to severe and debilitating to the horse. In very severe cases of laminitis and the resulting founder the horse may have to be destroyed if they are no longer able to bear weight on the foot or feet. Laminitis can be caused by several factors including diet and stress. In many horses laminitis is a direct result of overweight horses being turned out on lush pastures and overeating, or getting into feed bins and eating grains or feed pellets without restriction. Some horses may also show signs of laminitis by eating large amounts of grass clippings from lawn grasses. [...]

Ringbone And Lameness In Older Working Horses

Long known as a problem condition in older, working horses, ringbone continues to be a concern for horse owners around the world. Ringbone is a condition that includes swelling and changes to the bones and joints of the pastern in either the front or back legs. Ringbone is basically a new bony growth that occurs on any one of the bones in the pastern, it can occur in the pastern joint itself (high ringbone) or can occur lower in the foot in the coffin joint (low ringbone). Ringbone is a form of osteoarthritis and may be a result of several factors. The more factors that are present or have occurred in the horse's life the more severe and problematic the ringbone is likely to be. The major cause of ringbone is repetitive trauma to the pastern through sudden stops, turns and changes of direction. Many western stock horses, cutting horses and polo ponies develop ringbone as they are constantly and suddenly changing directions at high speeds and with great frequency. [...]

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