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Dudley- You were my best friend in the whole world and I still can't believe your gone. You were so young. I miss you everyday. I miss sleeping with you in my bed and watching T.V together. Whenever I was sad I always had you there to lick away my tears and cuddle with and now I feel alone. I'm sorry for all the suffering and I am glad that you are able to roam free and not be in pain anymore. I can't wait til the day we can meet again and play together it will be a joyous day but until then I will think of you everyday. I hope that you are watching over me and sometimes I feel like you are with me and I hope that you are. If I only knew you had such a short time left I would have spent more of it with you. I love you with all my heart and I will never forget you. Til we meet again.<3 I love you Baby and have fun with all your new friends. ~MOM~
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