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Always loving you Sur Rilee Rae

A story of a throw away dog.....Rilee was gotton by her former owner as a guard dog..she was never let in the house and never had postive praise....i had recently lost my German shep @ 14 and ur younger dog Tonka was lonely. I was working at my friends Groom shop and she asked if id take Rilee...After my husband agree we brought her home. She didnt know what to do in a loving home. It took my husband over a year to be able to even hug her or pet her neck,,she would growl and snap at him...And she had snapped at the kids 2 @ first...Rilee was a "special" dog....she had many querks and it took us and her to overcome them....one of many stories of her was the time she snuck my husbands wallet of the counter and hid it out side...drove him crazy not knowing where it could be or where he lost it..About 2 weeks later out of the blue it showed up...we laugh about it now but when it happend....it wasnt so funny. Rilee was a loyal loving protective dog...she finally knew she was loved and in return she showed us how grateful she was...we had Rilee for four years..( should mof had her longer) Rilee always hated having hernails trimmed, therefore we had to take her to the vet every couple months. Well the last time we took her in to have them trimmed, i had the vet check out her back legged for it seemed to bother her. The vet put her on meds and away we went. Friday when ni got home from town Rilee was acting fine, then came Saturday morning...Rilee had a stroke and wasnt able to use her back legs or her right front leg. We took her in on Mothers day...of this year to thevet hoping it was just a pinched nerve but yes he had in fact said she had a stroke.:( That was the worst Mothers Day ever !!!!!!!! As we said our goodbyes and my husband was holding her..she lifted her head and kissed him as to be saying Thankyou for loving me and then closed her eyes forever.:{ I wonder if i had never taken her in to the Vet,for a check up..if she still be with me today? Im sooo sorry Rilee LRae I love you and thank you for loving us!!!!!Forever in our hearts<3 Dad, Mom, Kayla, David and Tonka p.s. you will always be Our"special" Sur rilee Rae
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