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Complaints about Poodles

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Standard Poodle, Grooming, Behavior

Akc Black English Lab Pupps



Woodbury, PA

Labrador Retriever

Many Poodle owners can go on forever praising the intelligence, playfulness, loyalty and affection that characterizes their treasured canine companion. As is always the case, though, a dog that is wonderful for one particular family or owner is not always suitable for someone else; add in poor breeding practices on the part of careless or ignorant breeders and poor training practices on the part of an owner, and a Poodle, or any other dog for that matter, can be a disaster waiting to happen. If you're thinking about adding a Poodle to your family, make sure that you thoroughly research the breed and consult your family; it's always a very wise idea to talk to knowledgeable and reputable breeders and owners of Poodles and maybe spend some time with a Poodle before making the final decision.

While there are many positive aspects to Poodles, there are also a number of complaints regarding this breed. Poodles are not going to be happy with just fleeting attention from their owners. They need constant attention, love and stimulation; if they are not kept interested and given enough outlets to vent their high energy, destructive and even spiteful behaviors will end up surfacing. Owners report that bored Poodles are all too quick to use their heightened intelligence to amuse themselves and often wreak havoc around the house and yard. Many people dislike the time-consuming nature of the Poodle and would rather a much more low-maintenance pet in terms of attention. Poodles are also EXTREMELY high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Clipping should be done professionally (unless you are a pet groomer yourself), about every six to eight weeks, while brushing must be done daily.

Poodles can be shy around strangers and a bit wary of new situations; this causes them to bark, sometimes excessively, and this is surely a negative point, especially when there are unpleasant neighbors in the vicinity. Poodles are also VERY sensitive and after forming a bond with a family will become highly emotionally attached; they will be miserable without the family, suffering from severe separation anxiety. Their sensitivity also causes them to be heavily influenced by the moods of their owners. If a Poodle owner is upset, the Poodle will be upset as well. There have been cases where Poodles have become physically ill when emotional conditions were less than pleasant in their human household.

Due to poor breeding practices, there may be some Poodles that can be quite high strung and neurotic. These characteristics are quite negative as they will cause the Poodle's other unpleasant characteristics to become all the more exaggerated; the Poodle will require even more of your attention, will become even more wary of strangers and new situations, will bark a great deal and may even start nipping. In even the most well-bred of Poodles, many genetic diseases tend to pop up; indeed, this is a breed that, although not short-lived, is riddled with numerous health problems. If you are considering a Poodle, you need to take the time and effort to research reputable breeders and ask to see genetic testing of the parents and puppies, if possible.

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