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Siberian Huskies And Property Destruction

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1.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Siberian Husky, Behavior, Exercise

11 Purebred Cane Corso Puppies



Henderson, CO


Siberian Huskies are good pet or working-dog choices for experienced dog owners because of their many positive traits and characteristics. Siberian Huskies are not considered good choices for novice dog owners, and even for the well-experienced, Siberian Huskies should only be owned by people who can understand and prepare for life with the breed. For the unprepared, one of the biggest challenges to owning a Siberian Husky is property destruction.

When Good Dogs Get Bored

Siberian Husky owners love to say that if you think you've seen all a dog can do, you haven't--unless you've had a Siberian Husky. Siberian Husky owners report incredible feats of destruction to household furniture, interiors, and exteriors.

It is not at all uncommon for a Siberian Husky to completely destroy a piece of furniture when left alone at home by his or her owner. This is not in defiance so much as it is in extreme boredom. Siberian Huskies were selected and bred for their energy and stamina. They are made to be active for very long periods of time. When they are left with no good outlet for their high energy levels, Siberian Huskies will resort to anything that will occupy them; if you leave a Siberian husky at home with nothing better to do, they'll occupy themselves in whatever way they can come up with-namely, by chewing, scratching, digging, and otherwise crashing into anything accessible to them.

The same holds true for a Siberian Husky left to boredom outside the home. Outdoors as well as in a Siberian Husky will find something-anything-to do. If left off-leash or run and out of a kennel, a Siberian Husky will simply take to their running nature and go off to burn some excess energy (but may never find his or her way back). If left tied or kenneled, the Siberian Husky will find something to destroy-half in an effort to get free, and half in an effort to occupy his mind and body. Outside the home, any nearby structure, garden, or lawn is prey for the bored Siberian Husky.

Dealing With Siberian Husky Destruction

The only real way to deal with Siberian Husky destruction is to prevent it. Penalizing the dog will do you really no good-they are smart enough to know they shouldn't wreck things to begin with, they just can't stop themselves.

The way to prevent Siberian Husky destruction is to make sure you have a husky-safe enclosure for those times when the dog needs to be left. Since you can't trust the dog inside, this means having a covered kennel or dog run in a place away from anything you care about; stock the area with toys and better things to play with, and provide a shelter from the weather. Keep an eye on your dog when left in your fenced yard to play, and make sure he or she has something to do.

See to your husky's need for exercise and walk them daily. Give your dog safe, appropriate ways to expel their energy so that they do not have a need to create their own.

Dealing with a destructive Siberian Husky is more about knowing what you can and cannot expect from the breed and being prepared. Surely, this high-energy dog is not the pet for every family, so if you find yourself doubting your ability to meet the Siberian husky's needs, you are best off searching for a more compatible housemate.

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Siberian Huskies And Property Destruction
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