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For Sale

The Grace and Power of the Ibizan Hound

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Ibizan Hound, Hunting Dog, Service Dogs

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Atlanta, GA


It is quite uncommon for those who want to own dogs as pets to consider grace as one of the main requirements for a dog. This is especially true if you are looking for a hunting dog such as a hound. For those who know about dogs, particularly the hound line, the Ibizan Hound is considered one of the few dogs that possesses the power of a hunter as well as the grace of a dancer. This hound breed has existed for thousands of years and its characteristics have never failed to impress dog lovers.

There are quite a lot of people who are taken by the unusual elegance of the Ibizan Hound, considering that it is classified as a hunting dog. Its elegance that is akin to that of a deer speaks of a grace that could be present only among the finest human dancers. Because of this, an Ibizan Hound's appearance in public always incites delight among onlookers. It is quite a stunning sight to behold when it is in action, flipping, leaping, and twirling with dance-like movements that are quite distinct to its breed.

As a hunter, the primary quarry of the Ibizan Hound is the rabbit and it is quite in its best form when it is on the path of this furry animal's scent. The speed by which the Ibizan goes after its prey as well as the strength it shows as it leaps and pounces make it a very proficient hunter. With its elegance and dexterity in place, the Ibizan is an amazing hunter to watch. It also possesses outstanding jumping abilities, capable of changing its direction while in mid-air. The dexterity and excellent reflexes of the Ibizan Hound make it an ideal hunting companion for smaller game.

The entire body structure of the Ibizan Hound also lends to its grace. Moderately angulated, the Ibizan is quite graceful when it performs its leaps and twists. This makes it more efficient as a hunter because it appears to be very light and dynamic when it moves to track down a prey. It has a gait of a seemingly suspended trot that adds to its elegance. The Ibizan moves in a beautiful gliding motion when it is in high speed, and it gives the impression that it is floating over the ground.

While some people might think it is not possible that grace and power can blend together to make a fierce and efficient hunter, it is quite plausible with the Ibizan Hound. Everybody who sees an Ibizan in action will be immediately convinced that this dog is the embodiment of strength and elegance. Dog lovers who are truly knowledgeable about the Ibizan Hound would know that it is indeed a dog breed like no other.

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The Grace and Power of the Ibizan Hound
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