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For Sale

Is the Norfolk Terrier right for you?

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Tags: Norfolk Terrier, Behavior

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Millmont, PA

Boston Terrier

If you've already researched the dog's personal history, the characteristics of the breed and spent some time with your potential adoptee, and you've settled on picking up a Norfolk terrier, there are still some things to consider before you can be one hundred percent certain that the Norfolk is right for you and your home.

Luckily, the Norfolk terrier is surprisingly undemanding when it comes to some of the more important matters. Unlike several other sheep dog breeds, the Norfolk terrier, being the smallest of the working terrier breeds at an average of nine to ten inches and eleven to twelve pounds, needs very little room to play, exercise and run in. Along with some of the other small terriers (particularly their close relative, the Norwich terrier), the Norfolk terrier is quite popular for apartment and small house dwellers. In fact, the breed first came to popularity in the United States in the first half of the twentieth century when it became trendy for the cramped dormitory dwelling students at Cambridge University began keeping them as pets.

The breed is one of very few actually recommended more for indoor than outdoor living. Norfolk terriers thrive on the closeness of their human companions, and so, they actually prefer the closeness of a smaller living quarters, just big enough for some stretching and playing.

The Norfolk terrier is also emotionally resilient and, while they thrive on human love, they can bounce back from rejection and entertain themselves more often than not. Of course, a person who plans on neglecting their dog shouldn't be getting a dog, and the Norfolk terrier is liable to act up and dig at the carpet to get some attention if they start feeling desperate for affection. However, the breed is also more lenient and understanding than many when they feel as if they're being ignored, and isn't likely to act up until they feel they've exhausted all other possibilities for getting their human's attention.

One of their more difficult spots is that they may require more in the way of health care than some others, and are especially prone to incorrect bite patterns. Most dog lovers have probably seen a terrier or two with a tooth poking out of the mouth at a weird angle. Their other health concerns include a slight tendency towards hip dysplasia, luxating patellas and mitral valve disease, which should certainly be researched by anyone looking to adopt a Norfolk terrier. In all likelihood, a well cared for Norfolk will remain healthy, but a potential owner of any dog needs to make sure they're prepared and willing to handle any problems that come their way.

One more note, the Norfolk terrier is prone to jealousy of other dogs in the household. In hunting, Norfolk's tend to give one another space and take turns hunting prey, but their territorial and possessive nature will come out if they perceive another dog in the home as being given more attention. Again, though, they are brave, emotionally resilient little dogs, so owning another dog already shouldn't be a turn-off from adopting a Norfolk, rather, it's just something to keep in mind.

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