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Eye Care for the Miniature Poodle

Filed under Dogs
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Tags: Miniature Poodle, Health Problems, Grooming

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Fairhaven, MA

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Eye care for your miniature poodle is very important. It is your job as a responsible pet owner to check your dog's eyes daily, keep them clean and free of debris, and seek medical attention for your poodle if you suspect there is a problem. Miniature poodles, like all dogs, are unable to clean their eyes themselves. Rubbing their faces against furniture, carpeting, or other objects is ineffective. Some dogs use their paws to try to remove gunk or buildup from their eyes but this is unsafe and not effective. If you find that your miniature poodle has excessive tearing, the first thing you should do is take him to your veterinarian to have his eyes checked to rule out any type of medical problem. Healthy eyes are clear and moist, so if you notice any swelling, cloudiness, redness, mucus discharge, or squinting, your dog could possible have an eye infection. Also, if you notice a foreign object or debris in your poodle's eye, carefully use water to flush the eye out and seek immediate veterinarian treatment. Never take a chance with your miniature poodle's eyes because they are as important to them as your eyes are to you.

Miniature poodles, like several other breeds of dog, are prone to weepy eyes and unattractive staining or discharge under their eyes, often caused by increased tear production due to smoke, dust, or debris. Tear staining on a miniature poodle is usually a reddish-brown color. Some people believe that it is hereditary or that a poodles small tear ducts cannot accommodate the moisture produced by the dog's eyes, although they do not always know the exact cause. A miniature poodle puppy that is teething or an older dog with tooth problems often contributes to runny eyes. Other causes could possible be dyes in some foods, hair getting into the eyes due to poor grooming and an unhealthy diet.

Staining is more noticeable on white or light colored miniature poodles. Gently wiping your dog's eyes daily, using a cotton ball or soft cloth and warm water to remove any debris and tears, helps prevent hardening and buildup of debris that is very uncomfortable for your miniature poodle and can cause sores, eye irritation and infections. If there is a buildup, use a cotton ball with warm water to soak the debris accumulation and then a flea or fine toothed comb to gently remove this from below the poodles eyes. You can also use blunt tip scissors to carefully cut hair away from the poodle's eyes and remove stained hair and debris. Hair that scrapes the dog's eyes could cause scraping which is a perfect place for bacteria to enter, so keep it trimmed. Before you use a homemade remedy or store bought product for tear stains, speak to your veterinarian to be sure it will not harm your poodle's eyes.

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Eye Care for the Miniature Poodle
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