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For Sale

The Pharaoh Hound as a Family Pet

Filed under Dogs
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0 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Pharaoh Hound, Family Breeds, Behavior

11 Purebred Cane Corso Puppies



Henderson, CO


The Pharaoh hound is a wonderful and very gentle dog that makes a great family pet. Although they have been described as stubborn, their extreme intelligence far outweighs their stubbornness.

They are very easy to train, although they will refuse to do something if they feel it is inappropriate for them. They are a loving dog, but only want to be loved when they are in the mood to be loved. They are great with children and love entertaining them and playing with them. Their greatest pleasure, in fact, is spending time with the family, whether he's lying by their side or outdoors romping in the yard. They are a very active dog that loves running and playing.

The Pharaoh is a very affectionate and loving dog and has been known to "blush" for the family when they are happy about something, particularly when they are happy with something they've done. They are a great dog to own and seem to understand people's moods, which make them a very perceptive and intelligent dog. They train very well, remembering what they have learned without having to be reminded all the time.

As a family pet, they are relatively easy to maintain. They don't need a lot of the grooming that many breeds require. A simple brushing of their coats keeps them looking great. Their nails need to be trimmed every couple of months, especially if they are kept as an indoor dog, which most are. Their ears need to be cleaned occasionally to make sure there is not a build up of wax. Many owners have the dog's teeth brushed as well. They are only a minimal shedder, so excess hair is not a problem. The Pharaoh can be bathed occasionally, but should not be bathed more than once or twice a year, as too much bathing will strip their body of its natural oils.

Many owners of the Pharaoh love having this dog in their home because he doesn't have the usual "doggy odor" as many breeds do. In some ways, they are similar to cats with their cleanliness of their bodies. They keep themselves very neat and clean. They are very easy to housebreak. Although at times they've been know for being stubborn and trying to take control, they housebreak easily. They seem to know that this is appropriate for them. They love the idea of being "mentally happy".

If you are planning to have this dog in the house, it is important to socialize him with any other animals that you've had prior to his arrival. They do tend to have a dominance issue towards male dogs. Being bred for hunting years ago, they do still have the drive and should not be left alone with small animals. If left outside, they should be in a pen or on a leash or they will try to kill small animals such as rabbits, cats and any non-canine animals they see.

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The Pharaoh Hound as a Family Pet
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