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Choosing a Skye Terrier Puppy

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Tags: Skye Terrier, Behavior

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Selecting a Skye terrier puppy can be an exciting proposition but take care that you do not throw caution to the wind and choose the wrong puppy for your family. Puppies have personalities just like people. In addition to various breed traits that are common to all Skye terrier puppies each puppy will have its very own temperament that is unique to that puppy and have a huge impact on how well the puppy in question fits with the lifestyle of you and your family.

Breed Traits of the Skye Terrier

Skye Terriers are not your average Terriers. They are a bit more independent than most terriers and have a "cat like" attitude towards most humans. This is the attitude of royalty to servants. Of course, this could have something to do with the fact that these were the pets of nobles centuries ago and bred essentially to hunt small game, such as foxes, and be pets of the nobility.

You will need to be willing to deal with the fact that your precious puppy may choose another favorite person within your household and is quite possibly going to be a bit cold to strangers. If you live in a high traffic and socially active household this may not be the best pet to have. You might also want to consider that this is a dog that sheds a good bit. Be prepared to spend a fair share of time and effort removing dog hair from furniture and clothing if you choose a Skye Terrier.

Benefits of the breed traits of Skye Terriers include the fact that these dogs are calmer than the average terrier. In other words, they aren't as high maintenance as other terrier breeds. You will not have to walk them as much to get rid of excess energy and they do make excellent watchdogs. They are also quite cute if that is a consideration for your puppy buying needs.

Individual Temperament

All animals will have some tendencies to act according to breed and some inclinations to have a personality of their very own. When you buy a puppy of any kind you aren't buying carbon copy of the parent. You need to take a little time to get to know the puppy in question and learn about its personality.

Play with all the puppies in the litter a bit and make sure you give them all equal consideration before making your selection. You want to make sure that the puppy isn't overly timid or afraid (as these puppies may lash out in time). You also want to make sure the Skye terrier puppy you chose isn't so docile that he's no fun. You want a puppy with personality otherwise you should just get a stuffed animal (they cost much less in the long run and you don't have to walk them in negative temperatures).

Remember when selecting a Skye Terrier puppy that you are essentially picking an addition to your household. With that in mind choose wisely.

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Choosing a Skye Terrier Puppy
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