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For Sale

Briquet Griffon Vendeen In The City

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Briquet Griffon Vendeen, Housing, Behavior

Mini Goldendoodles



Gap, PA

Golden Retriever

The Briquet Griffon Vendeen is a dog that was bred for the benefit of the hunter. He is supposed to be by his master's side, ready to track and more than ready to be a gundog for their needs. With that said; you can bring your dog into the city and have him do well. This dog does need a bit of specialized attention, though, in that regard. For many owners, it takes only a bit of planning and time to make sure that the Briquet Griffon Vendeen has everything he needs to be happy and healthy in a city life even if that is not what he was meant to be.

First off, provide your Briquet Griffon Vendeen with the room that he needs. He needs room to dig, to explore and to track other creatures even if it is just squirrels. This often means a fenced in yard where he can run and roam. You can put him on a leash in an open yard, but to keep him happy be sure to provide a large amount of running room on the leash. He needs this not only to be happy but also to remain physically fit and mentally sharp. You will appreciate it because keeping him busy means he will not dig as much and is likely to have a better temperament.

It is best to keep the Briquet Griffon Vendeen in the city only when he has been raised in this type of environment. If you are taking him from the countryside into an apartment or smaller home, he is likely to become stir crazy and may even cause problems for you. They are not aggressive, but they do crave the ability to explore and do what they want to do. They are independent.

It is especially important that the dog is kept within an enclosed space or at least on a leash. Without these benefits, he is likely to find a scent of some animal and take off after it. He will not listen to what his master is saying to him when he's on the trail. He's also likely to keep pursuing that trail until he finds what he is after. For this reason, be prepared for him to simply take off if you do not keep him within a fence. If you do live in a more rural area or have a large piece of land, he will love to explore. Although he will likely take off after something, it is likely he'll come home, eventually!

The Briquet Griffon Vendeen raised in a smaller environment will be able to adapt better to that environment than one that is used to having the ability to run and play. It also helps when the dog's have owners that are active and willing to allow the dog to tag along!

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Briquet Griffon Vendeen In The City
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