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Complaints about Cardigan Welsh Corgis

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Behavior

Akc Champagne Boston Terrier Christma…



Marathon, NY

Boston Terrier

The owners of properly bred and trained Cardigan Welsh Corgis can't seem to stress how amazing they consider this little breed. They have been a loyal companion and co-worker for humans for the past 3000 years and their companionship qualities have not faded in all this time. The wealth of a farmer was often dependent on the skill of his Cardigan Welsh Corgi and there were actual laws heavily punishing individuals who harmed one of these dogs. Their history became intimately intertwined with that of the humans they worked with. Despite this amazing bond, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, like every dog breed, has its negative points; indeed, this breed is not for everyone.

First of all, they may look like tiny little lap dogs, but they are FAR from being the pampered pooch that loves to sit around and do nothing else. They are extremely active and very intelligent canines and all that energy and intelligence must be addressed. They are not looking for huge amounts of intense activity, but they do need regular and consistent exercise opportunities to release their energy. Furthermore, as with most other herding breeds, their intelligence also means that they get bored VERY easily and so absolutely require some kind of mental stimulation, something interesting to keep their minds occupied; slack off on either of these requirements and you will have a bored and frustrated dog who will vent by getting into some destructive behavior.

Besides simply herding flock, Cardigans were also responsible for protecting the flock and their masters from stray dogs. This inbred duty has now translated into many Cardigan Welsh Corgis viewing other dogs, especially ones they don't know, as threats; indeed, they often assume very dominant or even aggressive behaviors towards strange dogs. This behavior also sometimes extends to cats. Moreover, this multi-tasking pooch was also bred to hunt vermin, like terriers, and so they may be quite inclined to chase after small, moving animals; watch out for your pet hamster! This ability to multi-task and work even independently of their masters has led Cardigans to have a mind of their own. This was useful on the farm, but can sometimes be a pain when trying to train one and keep one as a pet; Cardigans can get quite bossy and manipulative, so you need a firm and consistent hand when training them.

Some Cardigan owners also complain that Cardigan Welsh Corgis are a bit too quick to bark at anything and everything in their surroundings. Again, this quality was useful on the farm, where the dog had to warn his master of intruding people and intruding dogs, but it's not so desirable when you live close to others who don't care about your dog's watchdog heritage. This is not a dog to be left alone all day, as he will start barking and disturb your neighbors. Finally, many people have complained about the Cardigan's heavy shedding; these little canines have a double coat that is quite dense and the hair can literally get everywhere.

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