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For Sale

Choosing the Right Puppy

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Tags: Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Behavior, Housing, Puppies

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$950+ T0 1550+ & UP


Toy Poodle

It is sometimes difficult when looking at all of the cute puppies to choose the Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy that is right for your home. You have to consider several things besides just appearance when you choose the one you want to take home. The most important consideration is his temperament, especially if you have children. Even though the breed is usually quite patient with children, sometimes a particular dog may be less than patient with young children. You may not notice this in puppies, but if you meet the parents, and both of them are somewhat short-tempered with small children, there's a good possibility the puppies are, so you want to consider that. Of course, you want to meet them away from the puppies because otherwise, the behavior can be attributed to nothing more than fear for the safety of the puppies.

Another consideration is that of health. Keep in mind that the breed has several conditions that may partake it, including that of glaucoma, which is known to be hereditary. Before you choose your puppy, make sure you consult the breeder about testing the parents for any genetic disorders. Although the presence or lack of it in the parents is no guarantee for the puppies, it's a good method of evaluation, and the only one that you can use to make a determination. Of course, you want to make sure the puppies are also tested, but the first step is the parents. It is more likely you will purchase a healthy puppy by making sure the breeder has both the puppies and parents tested for genetic disorders that may cause potential health problems for your new puppy.

Another thing you have to remember is if you want to use your Dandie as a show dog, choosing a puppy from the larger version is not going to be beneficial and is considered a breed flaw. The dogs that are used in shows are the original 11-18 inch mustard and pepper colored ones. You may occasionally find other colors, but they need to be the smaller version of the breed rather than the larger ones. Although there may be no difference in their performance and looks, it would be much like entering a Standard Poodle into a show for Toy Poodles. The difference may be more subtle, but the ideas are similar.

Remember when you choose your puppy, don't be swayed by looks alone. Its cute little face can sway anyone, but you want to make sure you choose the right puppy for your home, one that will make both you and your family happy for many years. Though you cannot always be sure of making the best choice, if you take a little bit of extra time choosing, you have a better chance that the puppy you choose is healthy and will be well-suited to his new environment. This sometimes means visiting the breeder's kennel several times before making a final decision, but the method allows a better chance you will make the right selection.

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