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The Italian Greyhound and the Weather

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Tags: Italian Greyhound, Health

Doberman Pinscher Puppies



Scranton, PA

Doberman Pinscher

The Italian Greyhound is a small breed of dog similar to the Greyhound, only much smaller. Unlike the greyhound, however, they don't have the tolerance to inclement weather that the greyhound does. Most dogs have body coat and hair that adjust to the weather. Many dog owners will put their dogs outside year round with the belief that the dog gets a winter and summer coat to adjust to the temperature variances. This is not necessarily the case with the Italian Greyhound.

They need protection from the snow and cold weather. They have very short hair and a low body weight, which makes them very uncomfortable in the winter or anytime when it's very cold outside. The Italian Greyhound is very susceptible to frost bite, especially in their ears, so it's very important to protect their ears from the cold and monitor their condition while outside. The Italian Greyhound is very uncomfortable in cold weather and will often balk about going outside. Many owners choose to carry their Italian Greyhound outside to protect their feet and pads. They put the dog on the ground long enough for them to go to the bathroom, and then carry them back in the house.

Other owners of the Italian Greyhound won't make the dog go outside in cold weather. Instead, they place old newspaper on their floor near the door so the dog can relieve himself and not have to go outside. There are still, however, some Italian Greyhounds that maybe don't like the cold, but still enjoy playing outside. When this is the situation, many owners put sweaters and boots on the dog and allow him outside for a short amount of time. There are many dog clothing items available on the market. These can be found in most stores that sell dog supplies and are not very expensive.

The Italian Greyhound tends to favor warm temperatures whether it's indoors or outdoors. In the summer time, they love just laying on a blanket in the sun. Be cautious, however, as this dog is also susceptible to getting sunburned, which can be very painful. While in the house, the Italian Greyhound likes cuddling up next to humans, other dogs or just being wrapped in a blanket or under the covers in bed. Some dogs prefer one temperature over another and the Italian Greyhound prefers the warm temperatures. Many people think this is because of their small size. This, however, is not the reason. The reason to protect them from the cold is their small body weight and thin coat. The thin coat doesn't give them much protection from the cold weather and the low body weight makes them susceptible to sickness if their resistance gets run down.

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