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For Sale

The Tibetan Terrier: The Bigger Dog With The Small Dog Inside

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Tags: Tibetan Terrier, Behavior, Family Breeds, Exercise

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$1500.00 TO 10,000.00 -VISIT MY WEBSITE BELOW

West palm beach , FL

Yorkshire Terrier

The Tibetan Terrier is a beautiful animal, with its long hair and its loving eyes. Most often, these dogs are medium to larger sized dogs and this often means that they may take up more room than you are willing to spare, but reconsider this. These dogs are larger but they are the utmost in friendly and loving care. You are likely to find them cuddled up next to you on the couch instead of bullying those around them. They are non aggressive, easy to please animals that enjoy being in the presence of their families.
It is important to keep them happy by including them in your daily life. These dogs do need to spend some time walking every day. Physical exercise is an important part of their health and well being. Do not overlook the importance of this. In addition, provide them with exercise and activity throughout the day. Not only does this keep them fit, but happy too. A happy Tibetan Terrier is one that you will enjoy being around yourself. It is very easy to do this.
It is common for the Tibetan Terrier to do whatever you want him to do. For example, if your child decides that it is time for the dog to have his tail pulled, the dog is likely to just let them do that, even if it hurts a bit, because of their love of their owners. While not exactly a good situation, the dog is willing to allow you to do what you need and want!
While they work as watch dogs in your home, making a good deal of noise when they suspect that someone who should not be there is, they are very mellow dogs. They are willing to lie around all day and spend their afternoons chasing the squirrels outdoors. They are not likely to dig through the yard, nor are they going to tear up the pillows on the couch.
The Tibetan Terrier is a calm pet and one that is ideally suited for a home where they will be able to receive a lot of exercise and attention, they will do well in any environment. They make excellent companions for seniors or homes with children, assuming they are protected from harm. The Tibetan Terrier can be high energy if you do not provide him with enough exercise, so be sure that this can be provided for the dog.
Those that bring home the Tibetan Terrier need to consider if they can provide the proper training and home life for the dog. They need exercise and attention, though they are going to give it back to you tenfold. In most environments, this dog is one that has a big heart and a bigger sized body!

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The Tibetan Terrier: The Bigger Dog With The Small Dog Inside
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