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Associations and Breeders

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Tags: Canadian Horse, Clubs/Registries

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$1900.00 AND UP



There are many different associations and breeders groups that are available for the Canadian horse. These organizations offer support and information to anyone who is interested in the Canadian horse. While each of them have different focuses and goals, they are all united in the purpose of promoting the Canadian horse.

Canadian Livestock Records Corporation

-The CLRC is known as the national pedigree service for all livestock in Canada, both purebred and non-purebred. They are a non-profit organization that is private and has been in existence since 1905.

The Canadian Livestock Records Corporation is incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act. This act is a federal legislation which regulates the keeping of all of the pedigree records of animals in Canada. The many different breed associations are also incorporated due to and under the same Act. Any of the associations that are so incorporated are eligible to become a member of the CLRC. The CLRC maintains the records for around 50 associations that are members of its organization. The association is also responsible for administering the General stud and Herd book for all of the breeds for which there is not an association formed for in Canada.

The Canadian Livestock Records Corporation finances its organization by charging for all of the work it performs. All registrations and any functions which are related are charged to the different associations on a system based on unit cost. The definition of one unit is a standard pedigree that is two generation. The fee for registration that the breeders pay is set by the association. The associations receive a major source of revenue from the difference between these two different costs. This helps them to finance the many activities that they engage in.

Canadian Horse Breeders Association

-This group is dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the Canadian horse. The CHBA has been in existence since 1895. Since that time they have been diligent in their work in improving and preserving the Canadian horse. They believe that the legacy of the Canadian horse has been passed down from their ancestors and they strive to preserve this legacy for all generations in the future. The Canadian Horse Breeders Association represents more than 900 members all across North America. This is in collaboration with their many districts.

The Canadian Horse Registry

-This registry was among the first North American horse breed registries to be recognized in North America. The Canadian Horse Registry predates the the Morgan Horse registry which was opened in 1894 in the United States. The registry for the breed has been administered since 1904, by the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation.

Association Quebecoise du Cheval Canadien

-The AQCC is dedicated to promoting the Canadian horse to its standard of origin in Quebec. This group is a non-profit organization.

There are several other groups that are dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Canadian horse. Some of the other groups that are worth mentioning include The Canadian Horse Sales & Marketing Group (CHSMG), the Canadian Horse Heritage and Preservation Society (CHHAPS), and the Canadian Horse Breeders Group (CHBG).

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Associations and Breeders
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