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Barking Problems and The Toy Fox Terrier

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Tags: Toy Fox Terriers, Barking




Gap, PA


The Toy Fox Terrier is not typically a problem barker and unlike many of the toy breeds they are not generally "yappy" dogs. They will bark to notify their owners when someone it at the door and they do tend to bark at other animals, especially cats, when they are outside spending time in the yard. In some situations the Toy Fox Terrier may start to become more of a problem barker and this is generally related to being left alone for long periods of time or not getting sufficient exercise.

Any dog that becomes bored will turn to destructive or problematic types of behaviors to fill in their time if they do not have any constructive ways to handle all their energy and spare time. Remember these behaviors are not destructive in the dog's mind, but they are certainly a problem for their owners. For people in cities and apartments barking can be a serious issue and needs to be correctly quickly and effectively. Barking from boredom can be controlled through two major focuses, providing something appropriate for the dog to do when you are away and adding more exercise into the dog's life. Try starting with a good long, brisk walk about 30 minutes before you leave the residence and make the walk more than just a walk; add some training stops along the way. Have the dog sit, stay, lie down or fetch while on the outing. Go a different route that stimulates the dog mentally and is not the same old path or even consider an off leash park so your dog has time to play with other dogs before being left alone. The second factor is to get your dog involved in playing with toys while you are gone to keep them occupied. Find some different sized chew toys, balls, dog stuffed toys or even Nylabones or meaty knuckle bones to keep the dog busy. Avoid rawhide toys or other types of natural bones that can cause splinters and become choking hazards.

If the dog continues to bark while you are gone even after you have implemented more exercise and toys, you may need to consider an anti-bark collar. No longer do you need to use cruel shock collars, there are now bark control collars that use citronella spray to stop the dog from barking. The citronella spray is attached to a sensor on the collar and is triggered by the throat movements when the dog barks. A shot of citronella is released in front of the dog's nose, which is not a pleasant smell for the dog. He or she quickly learns that barking produces a bad smell, and the barking stops or greatly decreases.

Some Toy Fox Terrier may also have anxiety problems that result in barking. If the dog appears stressed, vomits or has diarrhea, is panting excessively or appears frantic when left alone anxiety is likely the cause. Work with your vet and a trainer to help minimize this stress. The vet can prescribe medications to help lower anxiety while the trainer can help you gradually desensitize the dog to being left alone.

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Barking Problems and The Toy Fox Terrier
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