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Feeding Your Toy Fox Terrier and Food Allergies

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Tags: Toy Fox Terriers, Feeding, Allergies

Akc Labrador Puppies



Myerstown, PA

Labrador Retriever

Overall the Toy Fox Terrier is a very healthy breed and has few hereditary health problems that owners need to be concerned with. One problem that many Toy Fox Terriers have that can be problematic to owners is a sensitivity or allergic reaction to many products found in commercially prepared dog foods. Many Toy Fox Terrier are highly sensitive to corn, wheat and beet pulp that are some of the main ingredients in the top brands of dog foods either dry, canned or semi-moist.

Dog allergies to food additives or ingredients can show up in many different symptoms. In some cases the Toy Fox Terrier will refuse the food or dramatically decrease food consumption. In other cases the dog will eat normally however he or she may have chronic diarrhea or loose stool, may vomit frequently, appear lethargic or less energetic, develop dry, itchy or irritated skin or develop hot spots throughout the coat. The coat may become dry and dead looking and lose its natural luster and shine. Some dogs will allergies will also constantly rub their head and face with their paws or lick at their feet or legs, even to the point of causing lesions on the skin. The itching and scratching will continue to get worse and your dog may lose hair in small or large patches over the entire body in severe conditions.

If you are concerned about food allergies the first step is to consult with your vet. Bring in the label of the food you are feeding and discuss any changes in your dog's behavior you have noticed. In addition be sure to let the vet know if you have recently changed foods including brands or types. If a food allergy is suspected the vet can do some blood tests but also will prescribe a hypoallergenic diet that includes natural foods that will not cause a reaction in the dog. Typically the vet will have a diet that he or she recommends which is hypoallergenic and is fed to the dog. No treats or other food are permitted and if the dog is on other medications this needs to be noted and carefully monitored. If the symptoms stop, then an allergy is confirmed. The owner and vet then work together to gradually add foods into the base hypoallergenic diet to test what is the problem. Once this has been identified the owner and vet can then develop a homemade diet or use a commercial diet that doesn't contain that ingredient.

For very mild food allergies that seem to come and go or may be based on only flaring up with other seasonal allergies, the vet may also prescribe an antihistamine that can be given in a pill form or in an injection. These are good for several weeks, depending on the antihistamine used. The owner and vet will work together to determine the best route of treatment for the individual Toy Fox Terrier as each dog will respond slightly different to various types of medications.

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Feeding Your Toy Fox Terrier and Food Allergies
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