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Training Your Great Dane

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Tags: Great Dane, Training

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Fredericksburg, PA

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The Great Dane, although a large dog breed, is a great house dog. Though they may tend to be active, a few minutes or so of regular exercise daily is all that it needs to be able to maintain its figure. The Great Dane in general is very bonded to humans. However, if left untrained, they can be aggressive and dominant to other humans and other dogs. One of the most important aspects of keeping a dog is being able to train it. First and foremost, obedience training is a must. Though your Great Dane is a people-dog, those that are not trained can knock down kids, put their feet on the dining table, drink water from sinks, and exhibit other negative traits.

There are numerous ways to train your Great Dane. While some may use correction methods with the use of Great Dane collars, some people prefer reward methods instead of correcting their dogs. The use of Great Dane collars may seem like torture devices. Of course, training a Great Dane like any other dog should be done gently. If you get too harsh, then it may distrust you or become edgy. Instead of the correction method of training, let's go into detail on the reward method or what is called the dog clicker training.

Before going into detail, remember that it's always best to train your dogs as early as 3 months old. Start by teaching your Great Dane socialization skills. Imagine how big a Great Dane can get. If it grows to become unsociable, it will cause you a lot of trouble in the end. Training your Great Dane to socialize or interact with other people and other dogs is an assurance that it can carry on until it grows to become an adult. While your Great Dane is still a puppy, small and manageable, start allowing it to interact with others.

Though Great Danes can be submissive to its owners or humans in general, make sure that you do not over control your dog. Begin with a positive approach of training. The dog clicker training is a method of dog obedience training. First, you will need something that makes a "click" sound. It would be best if you can purchase a dog training clicker. Check your local pet store to see if they stock them. The reason for an object that makes a clicking sound is to familiarize your Great Dane with a consistent sound that he or she can associate with an action. Together with the clicker, buy dog treats that are really tasty and not the usual food you feed your dog. Treats keep your Great Dane motivated. Small pieces of beef, hotdogs, or chicken will do. There are also a lot of pet treats you'll find in a pet store or grocery.

Now, you need to let your dog understand the click. Think of it as a camera that when your dog does a desirable action, take a snap shot of it, meaning, make a clicking sound. If it's sitting you want to train your dog, click when it sits down on its own. After clicking, give your dog a reward. You should monitor your Great Dane throughout the day. Each time your dog sits, make a clicking sound, and reward.

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