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For Sale

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Suitable Living

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Training

Well Socialized Amazing Pups



Gap, PA


Getting a dog is a responsibility that involves many changes in your life as well as work and dedication. Before you decide to get a dog, be sure that you are willing to make the commitment required for this life long investment. One important factor to keep in mind is suitable living for your dog. If you are one of the lucky people about to get a Chesapeake Bay retriever, there are some important factors you need to consider.

The Chesapeake Bay retriever is a large dog that needs a lot of room to grow and a lot of room to play. When they are puppies, they are small and don't take up much space. As they get older, they get larger and need more space. If you live in an apartment, perhaps you may want to choose a smaller dog - one that is more suited for small spaces.

Most Chesapeake Bay retrievers are purchased with the intent of turning them into a hunting dog. Training them to become hunting dogs takes lots of time and space. You won't be training them indoors, but apartment living seldom allows for a large lawn. The Chesapeake requires a lot of room to run around. They have a lot of energy and being a large dog they need lots of exercise. Large breed dogs like the Chessie need much more exercise than a small breed dog. Lack of exercise makes for a bored dog and bored dogs often become destructive dogs, resorting to chewing and digging.

If your Chesapeake will be an indoor dog, he will need his own area. Even though many owners now have their dog sleeping in their room - often on their bed - the dog still needs an area that he considers to be his. During the basic obedience training, one of the things you will probably train him to do is to go and lay down in his area. This should be an area away from the main activity in the home. A small apartment often does not allow for that kind of extra space.

Many dog owners choose dog crates for their dog. This gives them a space that they associate as their own as well as making it very easy for housebreaking. Crate training is now one of the most popular and widely used methods of housebreaking.

The Chesapeake loves water and loves being near water. Nothing would make their life happier than if you live near water or can take them to a lake or beach on a regular basis. Much of their training for hunting and retrieving will be done in or near the water, so getting him used to water at a young age will help him get rid of any fear he may have.

If you live in an apartment and have your heart set on a Chesapeake, it is possible to give them a great home provided you are willing to travel a lot for his exercise. Because they are in cramped quarters indoors a lot of the time, they will need exercise even more than normal. But it is possible in any home if you are a dedicated dog owner.

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The Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Suitable Living
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