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For Sale

The Tireless Weimaraner

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Weimaraner, Behavior

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Salt Lake City, UT


A Weimaraner is an ideal companion for an active individual. It is a hunting dog with great energy and very sharp instincts. A Weimaraner also makes a good pet because of its devotion and loyalty. It is a dog that requires a lot of exercise and attention, and many owners find it rather difficult to cope with its boundless energy.

A Weimaraner is highly athletic and trainable. It is known for its agility, alertness and courage. To add to the list of its positive characteristics, it is also highly intelligent. The Weimaraner was originally bred for sports and hunting. It possesses great speed as well as excellent scenting and trailing abilities. As a hunter by nature, a Weimaraner is an active dog that requires constant exercise and a spacious environment to run and play. It can run for long hours and distances, and one thing you never quite hear of is a tired Weimaraner.

One thing you have to be wary about before you get a Weimaraner is that it has a tendency to be hyperactive. It is also a powerful dog that is quite difficult to control when it is over excited, but that truly depends on how disciplined it is. If you try to play a game such as tug of war with your Weimaraner, you will understand the true strength of this dog. Playing a game of wrestling and other rough games is not a good idea if you can't handle your Weimaraner. It has amazing stamina that will outlast you in any activity, and you will probably give up before it shows any sign of tiredness. If you have a Weimaraner puppy, it's not advisable to expose it to these rough games because it may encourage aggression. Also, it will be difficult to control it when it becomes older and stronger.

If you enjoy running, the Weimaraner may be the perfect running mate for you. It will definitely outrun you, and it will stay ahead of you and lead the way, just as if you are on a hunting trip. Since the Weimaraner has phenomenal energy, it will consistently test and try to dominate you. So if you want to get a Weimaraner and you can't train it on your own, the best solution is to send it to an obedience school. The best time to enroll your Weimaraner in obedience training is between its second and fourth month. This way, it will already know how to obey basic commands before it reaches adolescence which is between the fourth or fifth month.

A Weimaraner is not for everyone. It has lots of energy, and you will have to constantly find outlets for it to channel this energy. Running around the neighborhood with your Weimaraner is an excellent idea. It's also great for hunting because it was originally bred for this purpose. Depending on your purpose of getting a Weimaraner, it may prove to be valuable companion after all.

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The Tireless Weimaraner
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