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For Sale

The Canaan Dog as a Show Dog

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Canaan Dog, Show

Gorgeous Red Male Toy Poodle Puppy



Reno, NV

Toy Poodle

The Canaan Dog is not only a beautiful dog to have as a family pet, but they also impress many with their beauty and talent as a show dog.

The Canaan dog is intelligent and easy to train provided you keep the dog stimulated and motivated. They get bored with too many repetitive commands, but like doing things that require independent thinking and the ability to do things on their own. They excel in many different categories in dog shows. The Canaan dog, which is very independent, makes an excellent show dog in the obedience, agility, herding, and tracking events. They have earned many titles in many shows around the world and continue to keep the audience captivated with all the skills they possess.

The Canaan dog begins their training as a young pup, or should begin it at that age. Socialization for the Canaan is vital and will help them when they are ready for the show. The basic obedience begins at a young age, teaching them the basic commands. The obedience training is a continuing training for the Canaan dog. With the elegant graceful gait the Canaan possesses, they turn heads in every competition they enter.

The Canaan Dog also does very well in the agility events. Agility consists of the dog doing a series of jumps over obstacles and hurdles, some in a row and others in different directions and at different heights. The Canaan dog seems to thrive on this particular sporting event because they are able to do this on their own, using their independence they so love to show. Their owner may be right there with them on the course, but the dog is working independently, which they love.

Herding is another event that the Canaan Dog excels in as well, which is not surprising considering their feeling of wanting to dominate whatever they can. They have had this bred into them since time began. It is little wonder they have won titles in this division. Tracking is yet another dog show event that the Canaan competes in and brings in titles. They have always loved the chase, even at home or in the neighborhood. The difference here at the shows is that they are doing what they love as well as what they were trained to do.

It is only due to their independent nature, their intelligence, and endurance that the Canaan can multi-function in so many different events. By training this dog in these many canine events, the Canaan dog is also getting training that he will benefit in his role as a family dog and pet. Training for the show ring is a continuous thing in the life of a show dog. It also teaches them self discipline in their day to day routines.

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The Canaan Dog as a Show Dog
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