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For Sale

Showing The Pembroke Welsh Corgi

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Show

Adorable Puppy



portland, ME


How Corgis are Classified

If the puppies are from a reputable breeder, you will see very little difference between a family pet and a show dog. They are bred for a specific size, temperament, color and agility. You will however need to look at the ears for shape, as well as the white that extends beyond the withers of the dog to determine if it will be good show quality. Although dogs with improper markings cannot be shown in the conformation ring, they can participate in agility, obedience, herding and tracking trails.

Coat Condition

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a standard coat, which is short and thick. This is the standard coat recognized by the American Kennel Club. If the white on the dog is more than allowed, the dog cannot show in the conformation ring but is still able to compete in the agility, herding, tracking and obedience trials. The dogs with fluffy coats are very adorable and need more grooming, but they are also not show quality. The coat is recessive and resembles a sheltie’s coat. Therefore, these dogs are only found in homes as pets.

Training For Showing

You need to have a puppy that is trained in basics, obedience, agility and stance before you can show. Showing the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is something that takes dedication to training, proper grooming techniques and proper stance and show. If a dog does not trot with grace or have the proper stride, they can be disqualified. You can work for years sometimes before achieving success in showing your dog. It is important to learn the proper methods of training to become a successful dog show participant. You yourself also need to move with grace and with proper strides along with the dog. An owner, who does perform correctly, could lose points and even if the dog is showing quality, you could lose points.

Traveling To Shows

People who show the Pembroke Welsh Corgi usually travel around the country to compete against hundreds of dogs. This type of travel requires a proper crate for the dog, you do not want them to become hyperactive or scared during the trip. This means, that as a puppy, the dog should be introduced to crate travel and learn to be comfortable. If the dog grows up accustomed to this mode of travel, you should have no problems when you arrive at the show.

Showing the Corgi takes time and patience. It is something you develop and practice daily. Puppies are not born to know what you expect of them, you need to take the time to train them, groom them and provide proper diets to maintain a quality coat and good health to show. If you show for agility or herding and tracking, you need to have different training than what the quality show dog does. You need a few years of practice to become experienced enough to win. You do compete with many different dogs and breeds in these types of shows. They really need to work hard to qualify.

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Showing The Pembroke Welsh Corgi
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