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For Sale

The Wire Fox Terrier and Their Stubbornness

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Wire Fox Terrier, Training, Fox Terrier (Wire)

Fabulous Long Coat Litter



Durham, NC

German Shepherd Dog

The Wire Fox Terrier is a breed of dog in the terrier family that has accomplished many things from being a hunting dog and show dog to being a wonderful pet. They have a wonderful temperament and personality with the exception of being very stubborn and headstrong.

They are very much "into themselves", often thinking they are going to call the shots in the family. They are very intelligent and know what they can and cannot get away with. In spite of their intelligence, they are often difficult to train because of their stubbornness. They only want to do something if they think it is in their best interest to do it, or if there is something in it for them.

They need owners that are capable of being firm and consistent with them on all aspects of training or discipline. If they start getting away with the smallest of things, they can become a real handful. They have some bad habits such as unnecessary barking and digging and often will do these if they are feeling bored or neglected. It is important to stop this type of behavior as soon as possible.

In most cases, a tired dog will not have quite as much energy for mischief or bad behavior. For this reason, the Wire Fox Terrier should be taken on long walks or runs on the leash. Most of their stubbornness comes from having too much energy and not enough activity to release the energy. If given the opportunity, they will try to dominate other animals. They are a wonderful and loyal dog that has a few bad habits, but most of these habits stem from their stubbornness and trying to prove a point to their owners.

The Wire Fox Terrier should be kept in a fenced yard and not allowed to run free. They are bred with the instinct to chase and capture their prey. They may not be deliberately trying to hurt another animal, but will chase him or her just the same because it's in their blood. If the owner tries to stop him by calling him, the dog being so stubborn may continue to run. This is another example of where being firm and consistent with the dog will help prevent bad or destructive behavior.

The Wire Fox Terrier needs many things handled slightly different in their training because of their stubborn nature. The terrier should not be in a home where the owners cannot be home with him every day. They need to be watched and supervised, especially those first few months before they are properly trained.

The Wire Fox Terrier can have many of his bad habits turned into constructive behavior such as agility training and playing with the family. Stubbornness is a personality trait that will always be in the terrier, but can be used in a positive way with good consistent training.

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The Wire Fox Terrier and Their Stubbornness
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