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For Sale

Living with a Norwich Terrier

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Tags: Norwich Terrier, Behavior

Adorable Akc Eng. Bulldog Pups



Lititz, PA


If you're thinking of adding a Norwich terrier to your family, you'll have to make sure that you can guarantee a certain type of lifestyle and environment to your potential new housemate. As with all dogs, Norwich terriers have specific needs and you'll really need to do some research on the breed and its requirements before making the final decision. It's helpful to visit breeders or owners that have had a lot of experience with these dogs; check out dog shows and hop on to the Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club (NNTC) website.

Norwich, true to their terrier nature, have lots of energy and personality. They are very inquisitive, love to explore and get plenty of exercise. They do well in apartments, as long as you make sure they get plenty of play time and regular walks. You shouldn't just abandon a Norwich to a backyard, either, as they need the mental stimulation a walk in the outside world brings and the companionship of the humans they so easily bond to. It's also a great idea to get them outside and socializing at an early age, so that they don't develop any behavioral problems related to territoriality or shyness. They are very determined and intelligent dogs, with a mind of their own and training a Norwich, though by no means impossible, takes dedication and hard work; if you're planning on training your own dog, you'll need to show confidence, assertiveness, and consistency. Some experts actually claim that first-time dog owners should stay away from the Norwich, and that Norwich owners should have some experience training other dogs.

Socialization is also important within the house and the family structure. Norwich show some signs of jealousy and possessiveness, though not as much as Norfolk terriers, so properly introducing your dog to other pets or children is essential. Children must be taught to be gentle around this dog.

It is definitely not a good idea to leave a Norwich unsupervised around small pets such as hamsters, birds, or rabbits, as their natural instinct to hunt and kill vermin may kick in. Though not an obsessive digger like other terrier breeds, if the Norwich is left alone and bored, he will engage in destructive digging behavior, as well as unpleasant barking. Both of these behaviors can be avoided with proper training.

If your Norwich will be spending time in the backyard, fencing is an absolute must. Make sure you dig the fence a good ways into the ground as well, as the Norwich will dig under any superficial structure if left alone. Again, however, it is important that you not turn your Norwich into a "backyard" dog, as they need companionship; they should be viewed as indoor dogs. Norwich are extremely intelligent and need to be constantly stimulated; they do not do well with routines and even daily walks should be varied. They should also be treated very gently, as they are incredibly sensitive, and being harsh with the dog may lead to behavioral problems.

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