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Common Complaints about Norwich Terriers

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Tags: Norwich Terrier, Behavior

French Bulldog Puppies



West Greenwich, RI

French Bulldog

Norwich owners, as with the owners of each breed of dog, will swear that their dog is the most wonderful breed around. While there is a great deal of evidence that Norwich terriers are great little pets, they are not without their negative points. If you're in the process of searching for a canine companion for you or your family and you're considering the possibility of bringing home a Norwich, make sure you do your homework and read about the breed's good and bad aspects. This article will deal with some of the common complaints owners have had with the smallest of the terriers.

First off, Norwich terriers have a great capacity for digging. Though they don't obsessively dig if properly trained, care must be taken to keep them happy and stimulated or their destructive digging behavior will kick in. They are extremely intelligent dogs loaded with tons of energy and so must be constantly stimulated with constructive exercise and play. At least one 30 minute walk a day is what some experts recommend; it's also recommended that the route of the walks vary to keep things interesting for this curious dog. When home, you can't just leave a Norwich in the backyard or he will get bored; Norwich need constant companionship and interaction. If it is lacking any of these things, destructive behavior will arise. Some breeders and owners highly recommend enrolling your Norwich puppy in obedience classes as early as possible and getting them involved in things like agility trials and earth dog competitions. This means that a Norwich terrier demands a great deal of your time throughout its life to keep it happy and healthy, both physically and mentally.

The Norwich has a mind of its own and can be very stubborn. They cannot be trusted off leash and must be kept within a fence when out in the yard; the fence should not only be high, but also dug well into the ground so your dog cannot dig under it. Because of its willfulness, training takes special skills and these dogs are often not recommended for first time dog owners. You must be consistent with training and the dog must understand the utility of the command; experts claim that Norwich seem to be constantly asking, "Yeah, but why do you want me to do this? What's in it for me?" You must also be assertive and show a Norwich that you mean business, or its arrogant nature will convince him that he's the boss.

They absolutely cannot be trusted around small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, gerbils, and other such animals. They may react negatively to other animals as well, or even strange sights and sounds, if not properly socialized to their surroundings. If not stopped early on, your Norwich, true to its terrier nature, will take to insistently and annoyingly barking at every sound or movement it senses; some barks can be quite nerve wracking. Norwich can also be quick to bite if they feel threatened, more so than other breeds; they are quite sensitive and have a low threshold when it comes to being reprimanded. They need to be groomed often to make sure their coats don't mat and, finally, pups can be hard to find and expensive.

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Common Complaints about Norwich Terriers
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