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What Does The Keeshond Like To Do?

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0 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Keeshond, Playtime, Agility, Exercise

Caucasian Pups - Champion Blood




Black Russian Terrier

The Keeshond is mostly fond of being with its family. They do like to play, take walks, sleep, and follow you around. They are great in agility shows as long as they do not pull any little tricks on you and cause an embarrassing scene. Many dog handlers have stories of a perfectly well trained dog upstaging the entire show with a few antics of their own. These are just more stories that attract people to the breed itself. They are clowns at some times and can make you laugh. That is why they are so good for family living.

Jumping and Agility

The Keeshond, with its small stature, is a great jumper. In a show ring, they can glide through the air with ease. They can run, jump, and tunnel without missing a beat. They are born athletes as some have said about the Keeshond. They love the attention they get, but they may surprise you and do something that is not part of the show. This undoubtedly would lose them points in the ring. You can set up jumping rings in the backyard and they will be happy for a while. They can bore easily. They do need stimulation and will just refuse to do something.

Walking With Your Keeshond

Even though the Keeshond is a little dog, they love to take walks especially if they are with you. It is all a part of what you like to do. The Keeshond really as no interests of their own, it is more that they want to be with you and do what you do. The walks cannot be very long but they can walk for short distances that are comfortable. Do not take them for mile long walks or they will tire and you will end up carrying them back home.

Playing Fetch

Playing fetch is a good pastime for you and your Keeshond, but keep in mind that this might only last for short periods as they will get bored and not want to play anymore. You can find other things to do like fetch different things or even try a Frisbee. Some Keeshonds are great at playing Frisbee with their owners. Another thing about Keeshonds is that they can adapt to swimming in the lake and running to fetch sticks from the water. This, however, makes them very wet and only short laps at a time are recommended.

Spending Time Indoors With You

One thing the Keeshond loves the most is spending time indoors with you. If you are inside, they are going to want to be there as well. They are a remarkable people dog and love just sitting beside you or resting comfortably somewhere they can keep an eye on you. They will be their happiest doing what you like to do the best. They might not like what you have in mind, but they will watch you or do it with you to make you happy. This is what makes them the perfect dog for any family.

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What Does The Keeshond Like To Do?
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