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What You Need To Know About A Female And A Male Keeshond

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Tags: Keeshond, Health Problems

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ft lauderdale , FL


When you decide you want a Keeshond, you next need to decide if you want a female or a male. You will find that the differences are slight except for the obvious difference between the male and female.

The Female Keeshond

The females have thinner coats than the male and do not require as much grooming. The female will come into heat about every six to seven months at which time you can breed them. If you do not breed them, they do a have a bloody discharge that can be evident around the house. Two ways to stop this is by having the female spayed or by using a diaper to prevent staining your furniture or carpet. A female in heat will have some determination to mate and she may even display emotional traits that are unbecoming.

The Male Keeshond

The males require more grooming because the area around the neck is thick and can become matted or tangled. This is a trait that distinguishes the male from the female. Males that are not neutered have an aggravating whine when they smell a female in heat, this is only cured by having them neutered. Males tend to be more aggressive towards other dogs, especially males. This is especially true when a female is in heat around the area.

Neutering and Spaying

Both the female and the male that are spayed and neutered do make excellent pets. After the procedure, both sexes are affectionate and less emotional than when they were not fixed. It curbs all the problems you have when they want to mate. If you have no intention of breeding, you should have both the male and the females spayed or neutered to prevent health problems later in their life. Males can get testicular cancer and females can get ovarian cancer.

The Female Personality

The female Keeshond is loving and affectionate and will be your companion without a doubt. The females seem to be less dominant than males. Females have less distraction when training and tend to learn faster than the male. The female has no reason to mark her territory as she is only concerned with her family.

The Male Personality

Male keeshonds are just as loving as the females, but may have a stronger dominant side. Males for some reason are easy to distract whenever they are doing anything. Males will mark their territory even after they are neutered. This is just a part of being a male dog.

Both Are Great Dogs

Once you spay and neuter the Keeshond, there is not much difference in sexes. They make great housedogs and both show love. You can live with a male or a female and have the same love and devotion from both. The only big difference seems to be the grooming. Males need more grooming then the females do and both shed just as much as the other one. Therefore, either a female or a male, as long as they are spayed or neutered, will make excellent pets.

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What You Need To Know About A Female And A Male Keeshond
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