Agility Training
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Agility Training

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Training and Competing With Rottweilers

The intelligence and natural athletic ability of the Rottweiler breed makes them ideal for many different types of competitions and events, provided that the dog is properly trained and socialized. With their large size they are not a good breed to have around other dogs if they are not properly socialized or in any way hostile or aggressive. This is because both their large size as well as the unfortunate reputation that the Rottweiler breed has unjustly earned can work against them. Poor ownership and people that have no idea on how to train a Rottweiler can find themselves with a 140 pound out of control dog, which is never a good idea no matter where you live. [...]

Competitions with Akitas

There are several different events and competitions that Akitas are very successful in winning and competing. They really are a multi-faceted dog that is fully prepared to attempt anything that the owner asks, making them idea for any type of obedience or show type work. Typically the majority of Akitas that are used as competitive dogs work in the highly demanding competitive obedience classes. In these events the dogs and their handlers progress through increasingly more demanding levels of competition. This increasing demand for obedience is essential in allowing the Akita and other breeds to build on a strong foundation as they practice and learn to work with their handler. [...]

Dog Agility Basics For Beginners

There are a lot of great ways to provide fun and exciting kinds of exercise for both you and your dog. These activities are great for getting out of those old ruts when it comes to spending some time in much needed physical activity for your dog. Finding ways to provide exercise while also providing mental stimulation and something new for the dog to look forward to means that both the owner and the dog are more likely to stay involved and interested. [...]

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