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Created in approximately 1888, the CKC, or Canadian Kennel Club, strives to help maintain the integrity of dog breeds across the Canadian borders. Like other dog clubs, the CKC works hard to set guidelines for breed qualifications as well as to preserve the registrations of dogs in the country and provinces. As a national club, the Canadian Kennel Club is a non-profit organization and is incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act of Canada. By providing registration for 174 recognized dog breeds, the CKC lets members know about the latest news in the dog world, about other members and their particular dog breeds, as well as helping to continue clean lines of breeding. [...]

Breed Clubs, Registries and Associations - What's The Difference?

For people new to the world of dog breed clubs, associations and registries it can all be a bit confusing as to what is what and the benefits of each type of organization. In reality the type of breed club, association or registry that you can belong to has a lot to do with the type and breed of dog that you have. Since registries are usually the most clear cut it is relatively easy to define a registry. A registry is a listing, kept by an accredited or recognized body that registers or records purebred dogs. [...]

History of The Akita Dog

The Akita is one of the older types of dogs, recognized historically in Japanese art as an early dog type bred for hunting. The original type of dog from which the modern Akita Inu in Japan or American Akita in the USA developed was known as the Matagi Inu, which translates to "hunting dog". It was not a true breed as such, but rather was a larger sized, spitz type dog used for all types of hunting including deer, elk, antelope and even bear. This Matagi Inu type of dog was valued for its courage, physical strength, intelligence as well as its hunting ability. They were not bred for any particular conformation or appearance and many different breeds of dogs, both imported and local, were used in the type up to the late 1800's. [...]

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