Digestive Disorders
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Digestive Disorders

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Strongylus Vulgaris: The Deadly Worm

Although all types of worms in any species of animal are problematic, few are as potentially deadly as the strongylus vulgaris or large strongyles. Not only do the worms and larva themselves cause damage but they can also trigger blood clots and serious internal bleeding that can lead to death over a very short period of time. To understand the dangers of strongylus vulgaris it is important to take a closer look at their life cycle. Eggs of the adult worms are shed from the adult worms living in the horse's cecum or large intestine. These eggs are passed out of the horse's body with the fecal material, where they come in contact with the air and soil and grass of the pasture. In approximately three days in the warmer, spring, fall and summer weather the eggs hatch into tiny larvae. The larvae move to grass and vegetation and remain there until they are eaten by the unsuspecting horse. Once inside the horse's body the sheath or protective coating of the larvae comes off, allowing the very tiny larvae to move through the walls of the digestive system and into the blood stream. [...]

Ulcers In Horses Can Be Caused By Stress

We all know that people can develop ulcers from stress, but did you know that horses can as well? Diet, exercise and training as well as competition and lifestyle changes can all cause ulcers in horses. New research shows that as many as 40% of all competition horses, including race horses, dressage horses and jumpers are likely to have some form of ulcers due to a combination of factors. Ulcers in horses, medically known as equine gastric ulcer syndrome, have been the center of many research programs in competitive horses. Many times the very changes that the owner makes to prepare the horse for show actually contribute to the development of the ulcer, which is a lesion or sore in the lining of the stomach caused by an over-production of digestive acid. In horses, stomach acid is continually produced, since a horse that is on pasture will normally graze about 18 hours a day. When owners bring competition horses in off of the pasture and feed them high quality feeds in regular rations, the horse may only be eating one or two hours a day, leaving much more time for the stomach acid to be in direct contact with the stomach lining when food is not present. [...]

Inherited Digestive Disorders

Digestive disorders, also known as gastrointestinal disorders, occur in dogs as well as in every other animal. In dogs digestive problems are often very challenging for people since they result in messes in the house, serious health conditions but also just socially unacceptable behavior such as excessive gas, burping and vomiting. Each of these conditions may be normal depending on what the dog has consumed, but when the conditions continue they can be very serious and even life threatening, especially for young puppies and dogs that already have their health compromised. [...]

Seeking The Help of Dog Nutritionists

There are several different types of animal nutritionists, many who specialize in agricultural animals or exotic species, but the most common type of animal nutritionists is one that works in developing commercial types of pet foods. These specialized experts in dog nutrition are hired by private dog food manufacturers, research groups, agricultural feed companies and of course by private owners that are concerned about their dog's specific nutritional requirements. [...]

Helping Your Dog Lose Weight

If you are one of those people that sets yearly weight loss goals for yourself on New Year's Eve, maybe you might want to include your dog in your plans this year. According to results obtained by a national survey of vets, approximately 44% of all domestic pets, including both cats and dogs, are considered to be obese. Cats are actually worse than dogs with almost 57% of the cats examined by the vet clinics on the survey date coming in at obese or overweight. This same study, done by the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that in the United States alone there are some 26 million dogs that are overweight and at least and additional 7.2 million canines that would fit into the category of obese. [...]

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