dilated cardiomyopathy
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Articles > Keywords > dilated cardiomyopathy

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

The Irish wolfhound & Heart Disease

The Irish wolfhound is a relatively healthy breed of dog, but is occasionally affected by heart disease. There are different heart problems that may affect the Irish wolfhound, but the most common heart disorder is dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Until recently, many Irish wolfhounds (as well as other dogs) died because there just wasn't enough research available for a local vet to correctly diagnose the problem as DCM. DCM is now much better known, so veterinarians will usually run tests to rule out this disorder, especially in breeds that are prone to developing DCM, such as the Irish wolfhound. [...]

Heart Conditions

There are many different heart conditions that can occur in dogs. Some conditions such as cardiomyopathy are common in a wide variety of breeds while other conditions such as mitral valve problems are more specific to particular breeds. Heart conditions are very difficult to diagnose as often the symptoms are rather subtle initially and the owner's often attribute the lack of energy and alertness typical of many of the conditions to be a natural function of aging. Since most heart conditions occur in older or middle age dogs this is perfectly normal presumption that often leads to the condition being too advanced for effective treatment once the condition has been diagnosed. Common heart conditions and their causes, symptoms and treatments are listed below: [...]

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