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Articles > Keywords > Hairballs


Furballs/Hairballs In Cats

Nature provided cats a comfortable coat to wear in all seasons. In the winter the feral cat needed a warmer coat, but during the summer it was not necessary to have such a warm coat. As a result the cat naturally molts, or sheds its coat to fit the season. Even though most domestic cats do not have to worry about proper insulation to protect them from the outdoors, nature still demands that these cats shed their coats twice a year to prepare for the upcoming season. Besides having the proper coat to wear, a cat will groom or clean himself by licking his fur. His tongue becomes his washcloth, but at the same time his tongue will also accumulate and digest some loose hair. If you have ever felt a cat's tongue, you know that it feels like sandpaper. That is because the tongue is specially equipped for many functions and grooming is one of them. [...]


Vomiting in cats is a fairly common occurrence and can be caused from numerous reasons from the most benign to more serious medical conditions. Most cats will occasionally vomit and that should not cause reason for concern but if the cat continuously vomits it is always wise to consult a veterinarian. We all know that old adage, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. If your cat's eating patterns have changed and you notice lethargy or any type of behavioral change then it is better to have that checked out at once. [h]Hairballs[/h] One of the most common reasons for vomiting is the expulsion of hairballs, which accumulate in the cat's gut. Cats clean themselves by licking their fur, some of this fur will shed and they ingest it. If this fur does not go through the proper digestive process down the digestive track and out through their stools, they will cough it up. [...]

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