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Health Problems

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The Eye Problems Of The Tibetan Terrier

Overall the Tibetan Terrier is a healthy dog with few health problems associated with their stock. Yet, there are a few that need to be monitored for including their eye problems. The dogs can develop cataracts and in fact these are sometimes common in the dogs as they age. The cataracts that they have are often the same as you would see in a human cataract situation. Yet, for dogs that can not tell you what is wrong, it is up to the owner to pay close attention to these dogs and the quality of eyesight that they have. There are also several other types of eye conditions that can affect your Tibetan Terrier and that you can monitor them for. [...]

The Cost Of Owning A Dog

As with any type of pet, there are costs associated with owning a dog. Not surprisingly, the cost of owing a larger dog is higher than the cost of owning a small breed, simply because the larger the dog, the more food they will typically consume. Regardless of size, the basic costs will be the same with regards to spaying and neutering, providing play things, bedding, housing as well as training and routine health issues. In addition, many owners now choose pet insurance, which is an excellent way to reduce vet bills by purchasing a small monthly or yearly insurance policy for your dog. [...]

Vaccination Schedules and Vet Checks

Bringing a new puppy home is a something that is highly anticipated, but it also comes with responsibilities. After the owner, the veterinarian is the most important person in helping maintain the health of a puppy. If you do not have a vet, be sure to check with the breeder or family or friends, and get recommendations for a good dog health provider. Choose a veterinarian that has an office, which is convenient, close, orderly, and clean, with office hours convenient to your schedule. Be sure the vet is someone you feel comfortable talking with. To ensure that your new puppy is healthy, you should arrange to take him to the veterinarian for an examination within the first couple of days after bringing your new pet home. [...]

Juvenile Kidney Disease Is Widespread In Many Breeds

Juvenile Kidney Disease, also known as Juvenile Renal Disease, is very common in many of the popular breeds of dogs. The list of breeds that is affected by the disease ranges from the tiny Yorkshire Terrier up to the large and giant breeds such as the Great Danes and the Irish Wolfhounds. Other breeds can include the Standard Poodle, Alaskan Malamute and the King Charles Spaniels to name just a few. It is largely believed that Juvenile Kidney Disease is somehow genetic in nature, but there are no tests or specific indicators to predetermine if a breeding male or female in any breed is carrying the gene that causes the condition. Often the biggest problems in diagnosing or correctly diagnosing Juvenile Kidney Disease is that it is wrongly grouped as part of other types of kidney diseases including renal dysplasia, which is common in many of these same breeds of dogs. The only way to completely confirm the death of the puppy or the presence of the condition of Juvenile Kidney Disease is by a biopsy of the kidney either after the second month or after the death of the puppy. [...]

Anal Glands

Anal glands are two, very small secretion glands that are located just to the outside and bottom of a dog's anus. These glands were used to allow a dog or cat to mark its territory by secreting a thick, mucous substance that has a very strong and unpleasant odor. Most dogs no longer do this, but the anal sacs or glands still remain. In normal conditions the glands empty when the dog has a bowel movement with the contraction of the anus forcing the mucous material from the glands. In some dogs the anal glands become stopped up and do not drain with a bowel movement or with natural friction, resulting in a painful condition known as an impaction. [...]

Digestive Disorders

Dogs, like people, can have sensitive stomachs that are easily upset or they can literally be able to eat anything without having any troubles at all. Some breeds are known for having problems with digestion and if you have a dog that does seem to be very sensitive to changes in foods or with problems with vomiting or diarrhea it is important to talk to your vet immediately to determine if this is just a simple food related problem or if it may be the signs of problems such as worms or more serious health conditions. Most puppies and dogs will have some problems when types, amounts and even brands of foods are being changed or adjusted. Typically these conditions include food refusal, diarrhea and excessive flatulence. While unpleasant, there is little that can be done to correct these issues until the dog's digestive system has adjusted to the new food, which can take as little as two or three days or as long as a week or more. One way to minimize the chance of these conditions occurring is to very gradually change foods, rather than just suddenly feeding a new food or brand. [...]


Warm and hot weather safety for their dogs is something that all owners should know and understand as it could save their pets life. Regardless of where you live, summertime brings warmer temperatures, longer daylight hours and the need to understand and practice heatstroke safety for your dog. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to protect your pet and make sure that it does not get overheated or suffer any negative effects or even worse, death from the summer heat. [...]


Almost any species of mammal can become diabetic under the right conditions. Dogs, just like humans and cats, can develop diabetes for a variety of reasons. In dogs the condition may go undetected for a long period of time until it is finally diagnosed and the owners are able to either develop a diet to manage blood sugars or provide insulin to the dog to help with management of blood sugars in the body. Any breed of dog and any size of dog can develop diabetes, however there has been a study completed through Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association that indicates that some breeds are at a low risk for developing the condition while other breeds are at a high risks. Breeds that have a low frequency of diabetes mellitus include Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds and American Pit Bull Terriers. The breeds in the study that had the highest rate of diabetes included Miniature Poodles, Toy Poodles, Pugs, Samoyeds, Dachshunds and Miniature Schnauzers. [...]

Heart Conditions

There are many different heart conditions that can occur in dogs. Some conditions such as cardiomyopathy are common in a wide variety of breeds while other conditions such as mitral valve problems are more specific to particular breeds. Heart conditions are very difficult to diagnose as often the symptoms are rather subtle initially and the owner's often attribute the lack of energy and alertness typical of many of the conditions to be a natural function of aging. Since most heart conditions occur in older or middle age dogs this is perfectly normal presumption that often leads to the condition being too advanced for effective treatment once the condition has been diagnosed. Common heart conditions and their causes, symptoms and treatments are listed below: [...]

Kidney Disease

There are several different types of kidney diseases that are common in various breeds of dogs as well as in mixed breed dogs. Since the kidneys of a dog work to filter wastes from the blood and produce urine to remove those wastes as well as help to balance various components of the blood, they play a large role in overall canine health. Kidneys also work in tandem with other body organs and systems to help to regulate blood pressure, release and manage the production of calcium in the body, regulate and manage phosphorous in the blood as well as produce hormones that lead to the production of new red blood cells in the body. This is all done through the nephrons or tiny filters that make up the kidney. There are literally millions of these tiny filters each performing multiple tasks to keep the body healthy and free from wastes. [...]

Intestinal Cancer A Hidden Problem

As with most types of cancers, intestinal cancer is often present in the dog's body for months or even years before it is properly diagnosed and treated. For many dogs this delay in actually finding out that the dog has cancer eliminates many forms of treatment, leaving the owner and the vet few options to help save the dog's life. Most dogs with intestinal cancer are diagnosed when they are between six and nine years of age, so most are still younger, energetic dogs when they are diagnosed. Intestinal cancers can occur in any breed of dog, large or small. There are several different types of intestinal cancers and they range from lymphoma to mast cell tumors. Each type of tumor poses its own types of growth patterns as well as the concern of the cancer spreading to other body organs. Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph glands and lymph cells, many which are located throughout the organs, particularly in the intestines. [...]

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, A Skin Cancer Found In All Animals

One of the most common types of skin cancer found in all animals is squamous cell carcinoma. This cancer develops on either the epidermis or the epithelium layers of the skin right at the root sheath of the hair follicle. In dogs there are actually two different types of squamous cell carcinoma found and each of the two is more common to specific breeds, indicating a genetic factor involved in the development of the cancer. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is most commonly seen in breeds such as the Basset Hound, Standard Poodle and the Bloodhound and usually only in older dogs of these breeds. The lesions start as small, irregular bumps often found on the head, between the pads of the feet, on the lower stomach and on the genital area of both males and females. These raised wart looking bumps are often ulcerated and very rough and irritated looking. [...]

Hemangiosarcomas - Cancers In The Blood Vessels

Literally cancer can form anywhere in the body, and hemangiosarcomas are cancerous cells and tumors that form in the blood vessels throughout a dog's body. Any breed of dog can develop hemangiosarcomas although they are most common in breeds such as the German Shepherd, Boxer, English Setter and Golden Retriever. Since it is most common in these particular breeds of dogs there is likely a genetic factor that contributes to the development of the cancer, although the exact link or marker is not known. It is interesting to note that hemangiosarcomas are very rare in other species of pets with cats rarely if ever developing the condition. Humans also very rarely develop hemangiosarcomas, which means that research on this cancer is really specific to researchers working with canine cancers. [...]

Health concerns in aging dogs

There are many different types of health problems and concerns for aging senior dogs. The good news is that with overall good nutrition, routine worming and flea prevention, frequent, regular and appropriate exercise and routine vet check-ups many of these problems are easily detected and treated. Just like with younger dogs, the earlier issues are identified and treatment started the more positive the long range treatment prognosis will be. While there are very serious health issues that can be fatal, there are also lower level health conditions that are not serious on their own, unless combined with other problems. Managing each and every health issue is critical since each disease or condition depletes the dog's natural immunity and ability to combat infections, diseases, parasites and viruses. [...]

Vision and Hearing problems in senior dogs

Most aging dogs will experience a decrease in both their visual as well as hearing abilities. When this loss occurs slowly, the dog is actually able to adapt and increase his or her dependence on the other senses to balance out the loss of vision or hearing. In this way an elderly dog can easily live a very happy and relatively normal life even with complete hearing or vision loss. Of course there are some modifications that owners need to make, especially with regards to safety issues for these dogs, but there is no need to feel sorry for your dog or believe that they feel the loss of these senses the same way that humans would. [...]

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