Heat sensitivity
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Articles > Keywords > Heat sensitivity

Heat Sensitivity

Heat Sensitivity An Aging Problem In Some Breeds

Heat sensitivity or the inability to tolerate heat can be a problem in many breeds. The brachycephalic dogs or pug nosed dogs such as Boston Terriers, Pugs, Pekingese, Boxers, Bulldogs or Shih Tzus are the breeds most prone to problems in handling the heat but other breeds may have concerns as well. Some of the double coated breeds that have been bred for colder, northern climates can also be prone to heat sensitivity when moved to more temperate regions. Heat sensitivity can lead to the serious, life threatening heat stroke seen in dog's whose internal temperature rises above 107 degrees Fahrenheit. [...]

Summer, Heat, And The French Bulldog

The French Bulldog has many positive characteristics that make them a favorite breed of dog for Frenchie fanciers; adaptability to the great outdoors, however, is not one of them. Due to some characteristic physical and genetic traits, French Bulldogs require an extra level of care in some climates and conditions. [...]


Warm and hot weather safety for their dogs is something that all owners should know and understand as it could save their pets life. Regardless of where you live, summertime brings warmer temperatures, longer daylight hours and the need to understand and practice heatstroke safety for your dog. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to protect your pet and make sure that it does not get overheated or suffer any negative effects or even worse, death from the summer heat. [...]

Preventing and Treating Heat Stroke and Sunburn

Any dog is potentially at risk for both heat stroke as well as sunburn, especially when they are outside during the heat of the day. Most dogs are going to be outside only for small periods of time or they will have a dog house, kennel or shaded spot to lie down and relax when they are outside at their house or on their own property. A day at the beach tends to be very different with a lot more exercise and activity, fewer opportunities to relax and rest in the shade and a lot more exposure to direct sunlight and heat. [...]

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