low thyroid
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Articles > Keywords > low thyroid

Low Thyroid

Low Thyroid

The thyroid gland performs a number of important functions, but it is mostly known for regulating the metabolism. When the thyroid malfunctions by not producing enough of the thyroid hormone, this can result in a disorder called hypothyroid and is often called low thyroid. While hypothyroid is easily treatable, a dog may suffer for years with this disorder before it is diagnosed. In this article, we'll take a look at how low thyroid is caused, which breeds are usually affected, and what treatment is available. [h]What causes low thyroid?[/h] When the production of the thyroid hormone is impaired or reduced, the result is a disorder called hypothyroid. This hormone is produced in coordination between the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the thyroid gland, but 95% of cases of hypothyroid occur because of a breakdown in the thyroid. [...]

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