Mast cell tumor
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Mast Cell Tumor

Mast Cell Tumors

Mast cell tumors are a cancerous disease that is common in dogs. Usually found on the skin, this disease can also develop in other areas of the body. While most dogs that develop the disease have reached middle age, Mast cell tumors can develop in dogs of any age, breed or sex. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Mast cell tumors, their symptoms, and what treatments are available. [h]What are Mast cell tumors?[/h] Mast cells are cells that work in conjunction with the immune system. They are distributed throughout the body to help fight infections and inflammation. Once dispatched to an affected area, they can release several different chemicals including histamine, heparin and serotonin. While these cells are vitally important in the body's natural defense against infection, they can severely damage the body when produced in excessive amounts. [...]

Health Concerns With Boxers

As with any breed of dog that has a huge surge in popularity there is always the risk that poor breeding practices will occur as everyone tries to get in on breeding the most in demand type of dog. Unfortunately this is what did happen with the Boxer breed, particularly in the United States, in the years immediately after World War ll. During this time the small number of puppies and dogs brought over from Germany were used in almost all American breeding programs, leading to some inherited genetic conditions becoming pronounced. Through selective breeding by responsible breeders most of these issues are now well managed, however backyard breeders and puppy mills are still cashing in on the breed popularity and breeding genetically inferior puppies. [...]

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