Over Weight
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Over Weight

Canine Obesity: The Most Preventable Disease

One of the most devastating and potentially serious diseases to affect our dogs is that of obesity. Thankfully, it's also one of the most easily prevented and treatable diseases. Usually the result of neglect or misinformation, oftentimes all it takes to reverse the adverse affects of obesity is education and a willingness to help your dog improve his or her quality of life. Obesity is a condition in which your dog's percentage of body fat is significantly higher than it should be, resulting in their carrying around a lot of extra weight. This extra weight affects the entirety of your dog's health. It places them at a much greater risk during any surgeries that might be necessary for other diseases; weakens their joints and cartilage, leaving them prone to injuries; and creates an incredible amount of stress on organs and bones that are surrounded by thick walls of fat. [...]

Overweight Cats

A common problem in cats today is obesity. More than half the cat population is now overweight, and it is quickly becoming the norm. We see the commercials, the cartoons, the storybook fantasies about overweight cats and we buy into it. Who doesn't love Garfield, Hollywood's favorite fat cat? The trouble is fat cats are not healthy and they are predisposed to certain diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and hepatic Lipidoses. Is it really worth risking your cat's life to show that you have a fat cat? [h]Causes[/h] Obesity no longer is an issue simply for humans. Domestic animals now are becoming obese due to a sedentary life style and a diet rich in calories. Yes some of you might find it hard to believe that cats can be overweight but have you actually watched how much your cat is eating? [...]

Managing Weight Loss In Overweight Horses

For any number of reasons horses can begin to gain weight. Often horses that have been hard working or regularly exercised horses that suddenly find themselves turned on pasture, retired or even recovering from an injury will begin to put on weight due to the body's inability to change the metabolism to account for the decrease in calories burned. Ponies are often very prone to weight gain due to being bred to have slower metabolisms. Many of the pony breeds excelled and thrived in areas where horses would have starved and over generations have adjusted to be able to live on very small amounts of low quality feeds. In modern, domestic environments with lush pastures and daily grain, these ponies simply pack on the pounds, even with regular exercise. Some horses and ponies are also given a huge number of treats, supplements and feed additives that are simply not needed or even healthy for the horses. Sugary treats, treats high in carbohydrates and fats can all lead to adding weight to your horse if they are fed in moderate to excessive amounts. [...]

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