Pelger-Huet syndrome
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Articles > Keywords > Pelger-Huet syndrome

Pelger-huet Syndrome

Anomaly Causes Blood Cell Mutations; Often Fatal for Pups

Pelger-Huet Anomaly is an inherited condition in which certain blood cells are mutated, specifically the neutrophils and eosinophils, which are white blood cells actively involved in the immune system. The disease is passed through a dominant gene, which makes it critical that affected animals not be bred. [...]

Pelger-Huet Syndrome: A Sign of Things to Come?

Pelger-Huet Syndrome is an observed abnormality in the formation of the nucleus of white blood cells. Whereas a typical white blood cell nucleus would have a generally round appearance, cells affected by Pelger-Huet Syndrome acquire a shape more like two round shapes held together by a thin bridge. It is often described as being shaped like a peanut. Though Pelger-Huet Syndrome is defined as a congenital abnormality, it can and often is developed post-birth and in such cases is termed "Acquired Pelger-Huet Syndrome" though for all intents and purposes, it remains the same defect. This particular type of cellular defect is significant not because of any real problem that it causes in and of itself but because it acts as herald to much more serious diseases such as leukemia. [...]

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