separation anxiety
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Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety: When Neglect Creates More Problems Than You Bargained For

Separation anxiety is a neurological problem that manifests as a psychological response when your dog is separated from the people to whom he or she has become attached. It also seems to manifest when your dog suspects a high probability of punishment for some action that he or she has committed. Far from being a simple behavioral problem, your animal is suffering from a legitimate medical condition and requires specific treatment if improvement is to be expected. Separation anxiety is most often seen in younger dogs, and particularly those who grew up around a large number of people and other animals, such as those who are adopted from animal shelters. In certain cases, animals that begins to lose their sensory perception such as hearing or sight can become so dependent upon their human owners that they suffer separation anxiety when parted from them for even a brief period of time. [...]

Separation Anxiety In Your Dog

You have managed to get a wonderful Tibetan Spaniel after a long time waiting. The dog is everything you dreamed of and it seems to be the perfect dog, well behaved and now house-trained. Then, you go off to work and leave the dog alone and all of a sudden the problems start. The dog forgets its house-training or refuses to use newspaper while you are out. The furniture is chewed to pieces and your neighbors are complaining that it barks all the time when you are gone. You are starting to get visits from the animal control office. What went wrong? Simply put, the Tibetan Spaniel cannot be left alone for long periods of time without suffering separation anxiety. While it can appear to be the model dog as long as you are around, the minute you leave the clock starts ticking. [...]

What To Do About Separation Anxiety

Dog breeds vary in their tendency towards separation anxiety. The Sussex Spaniel is a breed that is predisposed to suffer separation anxiety more than other breeds. This may be due to its role as being part of the hunt and a pack of dogs. When it is separated from this pack, it tends to bond with its owner. If the owner doesn't understand the dog's needs, it can lead to the dog displaying negative behavior like destructive chewing and barking. It will even howl when it is distressed. Some dogs with soil the house, if left alone too long. This might be because they missed their outing or because they are angry or upset. Don't discipline the dog for these mistakes as it is acting out of distress that you were gone. Instead, try to develop a routine that is comforting to the dog while allowing you some time away from the home for short periods. The best type of environment for a Sussex Spaniel is one where there is someone home all day long. [...]

English Setters and Separation Anxiety

The English Setter is highly intelligent and loves to spend time with its owner; so much so, that the breed is not recommended for those who spend a great deal of time away from home. They thrive on companionship and naturally assume that they will be included in all activities. As some have come to find, English Setters are a breed that can suffer from extreme separation anxiety; therefore, it is of utmost importance that new owners work with their dogs to help temper this characteristic. It should be understood that even though Setters can have separation anxiety, the trait is not a given with every dog and can be exhibited in varying degrees. [...]

What To Do About Separation Anxiety

Dog breeds vary in their tendency towards separation anxiety. The Sussex Spaniel is a breed that is predisposed to suffer separation anxiety more than other breeds. This may be due to its role as being part of the hunt and a pack of dogs. When it is separated from this pack, it tends to bond with its owner. If the owner doesn't understand the dog's needs, it can lead to the dog displaying negative behavior like destructive chewing and barking. It will even howl when it is distressed. Some dogs with soil the house, if left alone too long. This might be because they missed their outing or because they are angry or upset. Don't discipline the dog for these mistakes as it is acting out of distress that you were gone. Instead, try to develop a routine that is comforting to the dog while allowing you some time away from the home for short periods. The best type of environment for a Sussex Spaniel is one where there is someone home all day long. [...]

Anxiety And Stress

Some dogs, in particular some breeds, are prone to anxiety and stress problems especially when it comes to being separated from their owners. This is more than just an annoying habit the dog needs to learn to correct, this is actually a very serious emotional and behavioral problem that dogs can develop that may lead to the dog needing to be put down if it cannot be managed. Typically dogs that are well-trained and socialized from puppies will not develop anxiety or separation disorders, however if a traumatic event happens in the dog's life it can develop even in previously well-adjusted dogs. Often a dramatic change in the family such as a new baby, a death of a close family member to the dog, a child moving away to college and especially a rehoming experience can often bring out anxiety and stress related behaviors in some dogs and breeds. [...]

Whining And Barking in Adult Dogs

Whining and barking is a nuisance no matter how big or small the dog may be. Many owners seem oblivious to the noise that their dog is making, which really causes problems for responsible dog owners that do try to control these behaviors. While barking and whining are natural ways for a dog to communicate, there are times when neither of these behaviors is warranted or required, but also times when they are. Most people would like their dog to give a quiet whine at the door if they need to go outside, and also don't mind the dog whining when their water or food dish is empty. In the same manner most owners appreciate the dog giving a few barks when a stranger or new person approaches the house or yard, but they don't want the dog barking and barking over a squirrel in the yard next door or just for something to do for fun. [...]

Behavior Issues With Weimaraners

Any breed of dog will potentially have behavioral issues, especially during their teenage stage that typically occurs between one and two years of age. At this time young dogs, particularly those with more dominant temperaments such as the Weimaraner, will test the human's ability to be the leader of the pack. This testing is usually fairly predictable and includes simply ignoring the owner, refusing to follow commands or showing challenging types of behaviors. This may include play growling at the family during games, attempting to be the leader, and becomes a bit of a bossy dog with the other pets, dogs, kids or people that are not seen as the alpha leader. [...]

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