sub aortic stenosis
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Articles > Keywords > sub aortic stenosis

Sub Aortic Stenosis

Sub-aortic Stenosis: An Inherited Heart Defect In Some Breeds

It is always an exciting time to get a new puppy or dog, unfortunately many new owners don't consider all the possible health issues that may be associated with different breeds. In some of the medium to large breeds such as the Golden Retriever, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Boxer and Newfoundland the condition is considered the leading cause of heart conditions within the breed. Sub-aortic stenosis is a congenital and inherited condition, which means that it is passed on through the parents and is present when the puppy is born. What the condition actually consists of is a narrowing of the opening between the heart's left ventricle and the aorta, the major blood vessel carrying blood that is rich in oxygen to the rest of the body. The narrowing is actually caused by a thickening or the walls or a ring of scar tissue that is formed inside the aorta just at the ventricle, which will decrease the volume of blood that can be carried out of the heart to the body. [...]

Health Concerns With Boxers

As with any breed of dog that has a huge surge in popularity there is always the risk that poor breeding practices will occur as everyone tries to get in on breeding the most in demand type of dog. Unfortunately this is what did happen with the Boxer breed, particularly in the United States, in the years immediately after World War ll. During this time the small number of puppies and dogs brought over from Germany were used in almost all American breeding programs, leading to some inherited genetic conditions becoming pronounced. Through selective breeding by responsible breeders most of these issues are now well managed, however backyard breeders and puppy mills are still cashing in on the breed popularity and breeding genetically inferior puppies. [...]

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