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Traits of a Happy Black and Tan Coonhound

With the sagging jowls and long droopy ears, the Black and Tan Coonhound can have a rather forlorn look, especially when coupled with their signature mournful howl. It can leave one wondering just what exactly a Coonhound looks like when it is happy. The truth is, as long as it is getting the right amount of exercise and mental stimulation, the Black and Tan Coonhound will always have a fairly laid back, happy go lucky disposition. They like to get out and go but are just as happy to spread out on the living room floor while their owner catches a little TV as the evening unwinds. [...]

Canine Obesity: The Most Preventable Disease

One of the most devastating and potentially serious diseases to affect our dogs is that of obesity. Thankfully, it's also one of the most easily prevented and treatable diseases. Usually the result of neglect or misinformation, oftentimes all it takes to reverse the adverse affects of obesity is education and a willingness to help your dog improve his or her quality of life.Obesity is a condition in which your dog's percentage of body fat is significantly higher than it should be, resulting in their carrying around a lot of extra weight. This extra weight affects the entirety of your dog's health. It places them at a much greater risk during any surgeries that might be necessary for other diseases; weakens their joints and cartilage, leaving them prone to injuries; and creates an incredible amount of stress on organs and bones that are surrounded by thick walls of fat. [...]

Maintaining a Healthy Weight Despite Your Dachshund's Fondest Wishes

There is nothing, I repeat: nothing, your dachshund likes more than eating. Though sleeping and chasing after balls might come close, they'll drop the others for food anytime. While there is the occasional dachshund that isn't quite too ravenous (especially among some of the more exotic coat types), as a breed, they are insatiable. That said, it will be an uphill battle throughout your dachshund's life to keep their weight under control. [...]

Which Food is the Best for Your Scottish Deerhound?

Dog owners are now changing their ways when it comes to what they feed their pets. The same is true for those who own Scottish Deerhounds. While owners of this breed of dogs might have been contented to feed their pets commercial food before, they have now become more receptive to the notion that it is better to use natural food. More and more Scottish Deerhound owners are now adapting to the new trend of seeing home-cooked meals as being better than store-bought ones. This is because they are getting concerned with the amount of chemicals and preservatives that go into their dogs' digestive system through the ingestion of commercial food. [...]

Healthy Snacks for the Schipperke

Even with the active Schipperke, one of the main concerns with the breed is that of overfeeding. It is much easier to overfeed a Schipperke than most owners think and doing so can result in a number of various health problems. The small stature of the breed means its hips and knee joints are not especially able to handle much in the way of extra weight. Owners who perpetually overfeed their Schipperke are not only causing unnecessary health problems for their dog, they are looking at possibly thousands in vet bills to deal with the problem. While every dog likes a snack and it feels good for owners to offer their dogs such tasty treats, some snacks are better than others for the Schipperke. [...]

The Saluki - Nutritional Needs for the Picky Eater

Many dog owners don't understand the importance of feeding their dog good quality dog food. While it's true that many years ago, there were not as many choices to choose from, as there are now, the foods also didn't have as many chemical preservatives and additives as they now have. In addition, many people fed their dog leftovers. Their feelings were that if it was good enough for them, it's good enough for the dog.There has been much controversy in recent years about leftovers, some for it, but most against it. The main reason most are against it is that the dog is not always getting all the food groups he requires. If the dog was fed at the same time as we are, he would probably get a little of this and a little of that. However, since he is only getting what we do not eat, he may not be getting everything he needs. Here is where the dog food comes in for the Saluki. [...]

Keeping your Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Healthy

When you own a pedigree dog like a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, you may think that you will need special food and regimens to keep your pet healthy. In reality, although a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen is a rare type of pure breed dog, it does not require any more care or attention than other dog breeds. You will need to pay close attention to the quirks of this breed of dog though, since health does not only cover physical health but also emotional and mental health. [...]

Raising a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

Raising and taking care of a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen is not as hard as some people may think it is. But there are a few things a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen owner has to consider to ensure that the dog remains healthy and happy always. Among the things you need to pay attention to are the personality of the dog, its diet, its physical needs as well as the emotional and mental stimulation it requires. [...]

Feeding the Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is known for having quite a hearty appetite. This is due in part to their beginnings as a hunting dog in the African bush. For wild dogs, gulping down food has always been a necessary survival instinct. Since there is no way to tell when food will come again, the only way to ensure one is fed is to devour a meal in large chunks; thus comes the term of wolfing something down. After hundreds of years of domestication, the Rhodesian Ridgeback still possesses this trait. Upon wolfing down their meals, the Ridgeback often looks up expecting more. This often tempts owners to feed them more than they should. The key to helping a Ridgeback feel full is not in the quantity of food but in the quality. [...]

The Lowchen and its Exercise and Nutritional Needs

The Lowchen is a little dog that is a ball of energy and probably one of the most fun dogs you will ever own. They are a very easy dog to take care of, having very low maintenance needs. [...]

Is the Lowchen a High Maintenance Dog?

The Lowchen dog is a sweet little dog that has long been known as a lap dog. There is no greater pleasure for this dog than to be curled up on their owner's lap sleeping or just relaxing. [...]

Zinc Deficiency Can Lead To Skin Disorders In Northern Breeds

Malamutes and Huskies are two very hardy breeds of dogs that have been developed to withstand horrifically cold temperatures and work in the most inhospitable climates and conditions. These wonderful dogs, though healthy and hardy, can have one major health problem and that is an inability to absorb and use the zinc in their diets. Some of the giant breeds such as the Great Dane may also have inherited problems in absorbing zinc, leading to long term zinc deficiencies that do not respond to typical feeding routines.Zinc deficiency can also occur in dogs that are not fed enough meat in their diet or are fed a mostly vegetarian diet. In some cheap types of foods the zinc may be bound in unusable forms to the dog and therefore is just the same as not having it in the diet at all. [...]

Tooth Loss Is More Than Just A Cosmetic Problem

Tooth loss is much more serious in dogs that many owners understand. Loss of the ability to correctly masticate or chew food can result in digestive problems and even further tooth loss as food sticks or collects in the pockets left by the missing teeth, increasing tarter build-up and leading to increased problems with gingivitis and gum disease.As dog's mature and reach their senior years they are more prone to tooth loss. In some breeds such as the Chinese Crested, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu and the Italian Greyhound tooth loss is a definite concern for owners. Tooth loss in small and miniature breeds, especially in those designated as teacup or toy is often one of the biggest factors that owners will have to deal with as the dog matures. [...]

Keeping Your Skye Terrier Healthy

Your hope is that your Skye Terrier will be with you and your family for many years. In order to achieve this goal there are certain steps that can be taken to insure that your Skye is as healthy as possible for as long as possible. For best results, begin your care for your Skye before you select your Skye and bring her home.It's All in the GenesGenetics are often an excellent indicator of life expectancy, susceptibility and predispositions for certain breed traits, and other indicators of overall health and well-being. Make sure the breeder you are working with has and provides a full history of heritage for your Skye as well as any medical issues that might affect your Skye. Prevention is the best cure but diligent care and concern for certain conditions can lead to early discovery and treatment if there is a history within the bloodline. [...]

Recommended Diets for Curly Coated Retrievers

A balanced diet is an important part of the health of any breed, let alone Curly Coated Retrievers. But some Curlies can develop a disorder called Gastric Torsion that can be fatal if not treated, and many believe that this disorder can be prevented with careful diet restriction. In this article, we'll take a look at this disorder, how it can be prevented through diet management, and what foods are recommended for the Curly Coated Retriever. [...]

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