Eye Drainage
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Eye Drainage

Eye Drainage

Several conditions can lead to your cat having eye drainage. The cat will secrete anything from thin and watery, to thick and postulant, and from clear in color to yellowish or greenish. These conditions are caused by inflammation, infections, such as the flu and evasion of viruses. Sometimes it is caused by an inherited gene or a malfunction of the tear glands that cause eye drainage.The most common condition for the drainage of the eye is called runny eye. Certain breeds of cats are more prone to leaky eyes than others.CausesRunny eyes can be caused by the over production of tears. Tears are produced normally to keep the lining of the eye moist. The tears then flow into the tear ducts making their way into the nose. But if there is a problem, the tears will spill onto the face and that is how we determine a cat has runny eyes. [...]

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