Acquired Disorders
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Acquired Disorders

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Allergic And Hormonal SkinArrhythmogenic Right Ventricular CardiomyopathyArthritisAxonal DystrophyBilateral And Unilateral DeafnessBladder InfectionsBloatBlood DisordersCataractsCherry EyeChronic EczemaCollapsing TracheasCongestive Heart FailureCorneal UlcersCrushings DiseaseCushings DiseaseDachshund ParalysisDeafnessDegenerative Joint DiseaseDental ProblemsDetached RetinaDiabetesDry EyesEar InfectionsEar Mites And Ear InfectionsEntropionEye DrainageEye ScratchesEyeball LacerationsFanconi SyndromeFibrosarcomaFlea Bite DermatitisFold DermatitisFollicular ConjunctivitisFoot CystsFracturesFragmented Medial Coronoid ProcessGastric TorsionHair Follicle TumorsHeart DiseaseHeart MurmursHeartwormsHeat ProstrationHeat SensitivityHemangiosarcomaHip DysplasiaHot SpotsHypertrophic OsteodystrophyHypoglycemiaHypothyroidismImmune Mediated Hemolytic AnemiaIntervertebral Disc DiseaseJuvenile And Senior CataractsKCSKeratoconjunctivitis SiccaKidney StonesLamenessLenticular OpacitiesLip Fold PyodermaLiver DiseasesLow ImmunityLow ThyroidLumbar Sacral SyndromeLymphoma CancerLymphosarcomaMalignant HistiocytosisMast Cell TumorMegaesophagusMeningitisMicrophthalmiaMitral Valve Heart DiseaseMyasthenia GravisObsessive Compulsive DisorderOCDOcular ColobomaOtitis ExternaPancreatitisPanosteitisParvo-virusPatellar LuxationPatent Ductus ArteriosisPortosystemic ShuntPremature Disc DegenerationPremature GrayProtopsisPyometraRenal DiseaseRheumatismSeborrheaSeizure DisordersSkin AllergiesSlipped StifleSnoringSpinal ParalysisStaphylococcus IntermediusTear Duct DisordersTooth LossUpper Respiratory InfectionsUrinary Tract InfectionsUrinary Tract ProblemsVaccine SensitiveVomitingWobblers SyndromeZinc Deficiency

Seborrhea: The Most Perplexing Skin Disease

Seborrhea is an inherited disorder which affects the outer layer of skin in a dog. The skin's sebaceuous glands (which produce a fatty substance called sebum) and hair follicles are much more productive than is normally the case. The result is that skin can become both dry and greasy at the same time, producing both a hard, scaly texture and a loathsome oily ichor that coats the entire body of the dog. Seborrhea usually manifests by the time of a dog's first birthday and the first outbreak of the disease is usually quite memorable to owners who are unfamiliar with the rancid odor that the abundant grease can produce. [...]

Canine Seizure Disorders: A Guide for You and Your Dog

As in humans, canine seizures are defined by a repeated, involuntary behavior or movement with an unapparent stimulus. They are typically broken down into three different classifications that are treated and handled differently.Generalized, or grand mal seizures are by far the most common type. Grand mal seizures usually involve the entire body and are typified by the often seen cyclical stiffening and contracting of the muscles, over and over again, alternately. The victim of a grand mal seizure usually loses consciousness.Partial seizures are those seizures which originate from a very specific area of the brain and as such manifest only in a very specific area of the body. A twitching limb or spasming eyes might be a sign of partial seizures. [...]

Zinc Deficiency Can Lead To Skin Disorders In Northern Breeds

Malamutes and Huskies are two very hardy breeds of dogs that have been developed to withstand horrifically cold temperatures and work in the most inhospitable climates and conditions. These wonderful dogs, though healthy and hardy, can have one major health problem and that is an inability to absorb and use the zinc in their diets. Some of the giant breeds such as the Great Dane may also have inherited problems in absorbing zinc, leading to long term zinc deficiencies that do not respond to typical feeding routines.Zinc deficiency can also occur in dogs that are not fed enough meat in their diet or are fed a mostly vegetarian diet. In some cheap types of foods the zinc may be bound in unusable forms to the dog and therefore is just the same as not having it in the diet at all. [...]

Understanding Urinary Tract Problems In Dogs

There are many different causes of urinary tract problems in dogs, both male and female. Some are caused by painful and irritating bladder and kidney infections and problems while others are caused by disease or even medications reacting on the urinary tract. The good news is that most urinary tract problems in dogs can be treated with a bit of management and common sense, as well as careful monitoring and regular vet check ups if you have any concerns.The first and most important point to consider is that excessive urination is a sign of many different types of problems ranging from distemper to diabetes and even to marking behaviors that are hormonally driven. Since true urinary tract problems are not behavioral but are either caused by a disease, injury or congenital problem the hormonal problems with urination will not be discussed in this article. [...]

Tooth Loss Is More Than Just A Cosmetic Problem

Tooth loss is much more serious in dogs that many owners understand. Loss of the ability to correctly masticate or chew food can result in digestive problems and even further tooth loss as food sticks or collects in the pockets left by the missing teeth, increasing tarter build-up and leading to increased problems with gingivitis and gum disease.As dog's mature and reach their senior years they are more prone to tooth loss. In some breeds such as the Chinese Crested, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu and the Italian Greyhound tooth loss is a definite concern for owners. Tooth loss in small and miniature breeds, especially in those designated as teacup or toy is often one of the biggest factors that owners will have to deal with as the dog matures. [...]

Crying and Tearing In Dogs

There are many breeds that are prone to excessive tear production just as some breeds are more prone to dry eye conditions and lack of tear production. Either condition can be a direct result of injury, genetic conditions or infections to the eyes that are inhibiting or stimulating the tear gland functioning.In cases where excessive tearing is noted there are usually both genetic and health factors at work. In breeds such as the Maltese, Miniature Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Shar Pei, Pomeranian and American Cocker Spaniel excessive tear formation, also known as epiphora, is very common. In white and light colored dogs the result may be a reddish stain down the muzzle from the eyes, typically known as red yeast stain. In darker colored the dogs the tear stain may be much less noticeable, but there may be a slightly yeasty or dank smell about the head of the dog. [...]

Staphylococcus Intermedius: A Nasty Skin Bacteria

Skin infections in dogs, known as pyoderma, are usually caused by a type of normal skin bacteria known as staphylococcus intermedius. This bacteria is always present on the skin and the mucous membranes but in some cases it becomes rampant on the skin and leads to severe infections. Often these conditions include an immune related disease in the dog, malnutrition, injury or trauma or other change in the dog's environment or diet that causes the dog to become stressed.There are several different types of pyoderma that can be found on a dog. They are categorized by the level of tissues they involve and range from the surface infections known as surface pyodermas to the very deep infections that can be caused by excessive scratching and biting of the infected area. They are also determined to be primary, or the cause of the infection, or secondary, the result of some other condition or wound that then allowed the bacteria access to the dog's skin. [...]

Spinal Paralysis In Dogs, Different Causes In Different Breeds

As with most types of medical symptoms or conditions there is always more than one possible cause for spinal paralysis in dogs. Understanding what caused the paralysis in the first place is essential in being able to successfully diagnose, treat and even limit the progression of the paralysis. Since there are so many different possible causes of spinal paralysis understanding what the causes are for your breed of dog is important.In the long, low to the ground breeds with stubby legs and longer backs such as Dachshunds and Basset Hounds spinal paralysis is often caused by intervertebral disc disease that is caused by the rupturing of the discs putting pressure on the spinal cord and resulting in paralysis. [...]

The Trials and Tribulations Of Skin Allergies In Dogs

One of the most frustrating issues with treating dogs with skin allergies is trying to determine exactly what is the source of the irritation, known as the allergen. For many dogs it is fleas, well not exactly the fleas themselves but the saliva they secrete as they bite and feed off the dog. There are many different allergens in flea saliva and these are considered to be some of the most problematic conditions for dogs as they are so concentrated even a single bite can cause irritation across a large part of the dog's skin.Food allergies are also very problematic for many dogs. Often these allergies are to gluten or wheat products in the food but they can also be from corn, preservatives and even flavorings and colorings used in the food. Since most commercially produced dog foods have the same ingredients, owners may need to go to a BARF or bones and raw foods or other natural type diet to eliminate the problematic ingredients from the dog's food. [...]

Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes

One of the most common diseases or conditions found in adult dogs is diabetes mellitus. It is caused when the endocrine system, most specifically the pancreas, does not produce enough insulin to regulate the blood sugar in the body. This leads to "highs" and "lows" in blood sugar, both which can be life threatening if they are too high or too low. Thankfully diabetes is a relatively common (about 1 in 500 dogs will be diagnosed with the disease) and easy to diagnose condition in dogs that is usually very easy to manage, although it is not curable. Since the conditions that are problematic in diabetes are the sugar highs and lows in the blood, insulin can be used to maintain the blood sugar at a constant level throughout the day. [...]

Wobbler Syndrome Can be Catastrophic for Your Large Dog

One of the more catastrophic ailments that can affect your large-breed dog is a condition known as Wobbler Syndrome, or clinically as cervical vertebral instability. This syndrome occurs when the spinal cord is compressed in the cervical (neck) area. This compression, or pinching, happens because the vertebra through which the cord passes is malformed or misaligned. The compression injures the part of the spinal cord that's necessary for an animal to stand and/or move normally.What causes these deformities in the vertebrae isn't yet known, but it is believed to be related to both genetics and nutrition. In some young dogs, Wobbler can develop if the animal is fed a diet excessively high in protein, calcium and phosphorus, in an attempt to accelerate the growth process. This is believed to cause the skeletal changes that occur in some affected dogs. [...]

Cardiomyopathy Cause of Irregular Heartbeat, Sudden Death in Your Dog

There are many types of heart disease that can affect your dog, and one of the more serious of these is a condition known as cardiomyopathy. There are several types of this fatal disease, and they are a major cause of irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), congestive heart failure and sudden death. The two most common include a condition known as arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) and a second known as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM. In many cases, the dog will develop ACM first, and then the condition will develop into DCM.The term cardiomyopathy literally translates to "sick heart muscle." It occurs when the walls of the heart muscle become thin, weak and unable to contract properly. The left side of the heart is normally affected the most, but both sides can become enlarged. [...]


Dirofilaria immitis is the medical term for the infection we all recognize as heartworm. The first cases of feline heartworm were reported in Brazil in 1921, since then it has been reported around the world. It is interesting to note that feline heartworm is reported more frequently in areas where dogs with heartworm are reported as well. However the number of reported feline cases remains lower than canine cases in these high-risk areas. Furthermore, the male cat is more susceptible to this disease than the female. Also the presenting symptoms and diagnostic approaches are different in dogs and cats reported to have contracted this disease.Heartworm is passed on to cats by infected mosquitoes that carry the L3 Larvae. When the larvae mature and become adults they develop into worms and these parasites attach to their host and live within the body. [...]

Vaccine Sensitive

The traditional practice of prevention and good health in your cat has always included annual vaccinations and booster shots. However, can a cat have too many vaccinations? What happens to cats that are vaccine sensitive?There is no doubt that scientific evidence show the benefits an immunized cat has to ward off such diseases as Feline Leukemia, Parvo, Feline Distemper, and more. Remember the old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Of course you want to keep your cat healthy, free of disease, happy and in turn prolong his life. Vaccines save lives. There are fewer cases of Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper) among the feline population because of the wonders of vaccines.Nevertheless just as humans can be allergic to certain vaccines, so can felines. Vaccine sensitive cats can be allergic to any number of substances within a particular vaccine; antibodies, stabilizers and so forth. [...]


Arthritis means joint inflammation, but the term is somewhat misleading because arthritis is much more than joint inflammation and cats do contract many forms of arthritis depending upon the breed and external factors. The particular forms of arthritis that cats suffer from are: Traumatic Arthritis (sprain) and Osteoarethritis, from there, there are several diseases that belong to one group or the other.Traumatic Arthritis as the name implies occurs when there is some sort of a trauma, (sprain) injury. In cats that could be the result of being hit by a moving vehicle, a cat fight, or bad fall. If the trauma is a result of a simple sprain chances are the pain will go away in no time and is really not that serious. However, if the traumatic arthritis is more serious, resulting from being hit by a car or other serious accident, a fracture may occur in the joint and your cat may require surgery to repair the damage. [...]

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