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Spiculosis In The Kerry Blue Terrier

A very painful condition of the skin, spiculosis occurs most commonly in adult Kerry Blue Terriers, and is more generally seen in males but may also be present in females during their adult years. These spicules are very dense and hard strands of hair that are very thick and spiky in both texture and size. Not all Kerry Blue Terriers will develop the condition, it is much more prevalent in some lines than others so be sure to ask about the condition before selecting a kennel or breeding line.The spiculosis condition is also known as rose thorns or bristles and may also be noted in Kerry Blue mixed dogs but is very rarely seen in any other breed. While the most common location for these hard, spiky hairs is on the elbows and the hocks of the legs, they can also be found on the face, neck, body and tail, virtually anywhere on the dog's body. Typically Kerry Blue Terriers with a very stiff coat are more prone to the condition and those that have the breed standard "soft, dense and wavy" coat are less likely to develop the condition. [...]

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