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Found [82] Articles :: Page 5 of 6


Gastritis literally means the inflammation of the stomach. There are many causes for gastritis and most commonly occur when cats do not properly digest their food. They could:Ingest foreign objects such as string and paper that would cause trauma to the stomachIngest bad or spoiled food from the garbage and other places especially if they are feral cats. This food turns into bacterial toxinsIngest toxins from eating plantsIngest drugs like aspirin which can prove lethal to a catAcquire allergies to certain foodOvereat, change diet, or eat too much fatty foods [...]

Papillon and Allergies

With regards to allergies, the Papillon may not be the most vulnerable of all the available breeds of dog, certainly, they are not nearly as sensitive as such other toy breeds as the Hairless variety of the Chinese Crested, whose bare skin leaves them especially open to the possibility of developing allergies to wool, but they aren't amongst the least sensitive, either and regardless, any owner of any animal absolutely must not neglect the obligation to know about any potential allergies that their dog might suffer from. Furthermore, the owner should make sure to be on the lookout for signs of these allergies in their pet and to make sure to double check product ingredients and not commit to any pet products that contain these allergens unless they are absolutely certain that they will not be putting the dog's comfort or health at risk. [...]

Why the Old English Sheepdog Is Sometimes Called Bobtail

Docking the tail of dogs has become a controversial topic, though the practice is quite old; indeed, there are even engravings and drawings going back to Assyrian times showing dogs with both docked tails and ears. The original reasons for docking a dog's tail are varied, but most involved trying to avoid the dog's pain while he was working. For example, dogs who spent a great deal of time working in fields could inadvertently pick up things like foxtails and burrs on their tails; these items would cause a great deal amount of pain, possibly distracting the dog from working efficiently. The injuries inflicted by foxtails and burrs were also at a risk for infection, which could lead to health risks in the dog, decreasing his ability to work. Breeds with long coats could become soiled with feces and/or urine and this could lead to insects and infection, again affecting a dog's potential to work. [...]

The Old English Sheepdog and Gastric Torsion

As mentioned, the Old English Sheepdog is a relatively healthy breed; this does not mean, though, that it does not suffer from some health issues, many of which have a genetic component. One of these conditions, which is common in other large breed dogs as well, is Bloat; some confusion exists regarding the actual name of this condition, as it can also be called Gastric Torsion or Gastric Dilation-Volvulus (GDV). This is not a disease to be taken lightly, as a good number of dogs that suffer from it die, often quickly; treatment can be complicated and may not always turn out positively. [...]

The Myths of Owning a Neapolitan Mastiff

With males reaching up to one hundred seventy pounds, the Neapolitan Mastiff is definitely one of the largest breeds in the canine world. Their sizeable physique is often mesmerizing, leaving many to wonder exactly what goes into owning such a creature. Unfortunately, its size can also lead to many misconceptions. Those who know a bit about the dog's history may assume that the Neo is purely aggressive or that they have a penchant for being destructive or unapproachable. As many have come to find, getting to know a Neo easily blows any and all preconceptions right out of the water. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Setting Their Ears

Most often when people start setting the ears of their Kerry Blue Terriers, they are at a young age. Usually, the dogs will have their ears set at about 12 weeks or older; however, it may depend on the owner.There are many ways of setting a Kerry Blue Terrier's ear, including taking it to a professional. If you are not anywhere near a professional or don't have the money for it, here are some simple steps you can follow. When setting the ears, many breeders are now using Jiffy Sew for the glue/paste. [...]

Bedlington Terrier Ownership Myths

For the unfortunate individual who loves dogs but not the wheezing and the puffy eyes that come with allergies to pet dander, curly haired breeds like the Bedlington are usually a first choice. Dogs that have curly hair tend to shed less or not at all and require little in the way of grooming. However, while some individuals are allergic to dog hair, a majority of allergy sufferers are actually allergic to pet dander and dog saliva. The dander of an animal refers to the small flakes of dead skin that can get lodged in carpeting, furniture or bed linens. Because dogs often lick their fur, it is very easy to come in contact with their saliva. For these reasons, the Bedlington Terrier has been moved off of the allergy free list to being categorized as a low dander breed. [...]

Digestive Disorders

Dogs, like people, can have sensitive stomachs that are easily upset or they can literally be able to eat anything without having any troubles at all. Some breeds are known for having problems with digestion and if you have a dog that does seem to be very sensitive to changes in foods or with problems with vomiting or diarrhea it is important to talk to your vet immediately to determine if this is just a simple food related problem or if it may be the signs of problems such as worms or more serious health conditions.Most puppies and dogs will have some problems when types, amounts and even brands of foods are being changed or adjusted. Typically these conditions include food refusal, diarrhea and excessive flatulence. While unpleasant, there is little that can be done to correct these issues until the dog's digestive system has adjusted to the new food, which can take as little as two or three days or as long as a week or more. One way to minimize the chance of these conditions occurring is to very gradually change foods, rather than just suddenly feeding a new food or brand. [...]


Warm and hot weather safety for their dogs is something that all owners should know and understand as it could save their pets life. Regardless of where you live, summertime brings warmer temperatures, longer daylight hours and the need to understand and practice heatstroke safety for your dog. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to protect your pet and make sure that it does not get overheated or suffer any negative effects or even worse, death from the summer heat. [...]

Cuts and Wounds

Dogs bring their human families a great deal of happiness in their lives and love their owners unconditionally. Unfortunately even in the most controlled environments it is still possible for your pet to receive a severe or minor cut or wound that will need treatment to prevent infection. Owners should have a basic understanding of how to treat simple and more significant types of cuts and wounds to provide first aid until the dog can be examined more completely by a vet.If your pet is injured or has an accident, assessing the severity of the wounds or cuts and knowing what to do could save your pets life. There are several common causes of injuries such as traffic accidents, stepping on a sharp object, dogfights, and running into something sharp. There are times when you can treat the animal's injuries yourself and other times when you need to seek immediate medical attention for your pet. [...]

Heart Conditions

There are many different heart conditions that can occur in dogs. Some conditions such as cardiomyopathy are common in a wide variety of breeds while other conditions such as mitral valve problems are more specific to particular breeds.Heart conditions are very difficult to diagnose as often the symptoms are rather subtle initially and the owner's often attribute the lack of energy and alertness typical of many of the conditions to be a natural function of aging. Since most heart conditions occur in older or middle age dogs this is perfectly normal presumption that often leads to the condition being too advanced for effective treatment once the condition has been diagnosed.Common heart conditions and their causes, symptoms and treatments are listed below: [...]

Kidney Disease

There are several different types of kidney diseases that are common in various breeds of dogs as well as in mixed breed dogs. Since the kidneys of a dog work to filter wastes from the blood and produce urine to remove those wastes as well as help to balance various components of the blood, they play a large role in overall canine health.Kidneys also work in tandem with other body organs and systems to help to regulate blood pressure, release and manage the production of calcium in the body, regulate and manage phosphorous in the blood as well as produce hormones that lead to the production of new red blood cells in the body. This is all done through the nephrons or tiny filters that make up the kidney. There are literally millions of these tiny filters each performing multiple tasks to keep the body healthy and free from wastes. [...]

Vaginal Hyperplasia In Young Female Dogs

Vaginal hyperplasia is most commonly seen in young bitches of medium to large breeds and is believed to be a result of a hypersensitivity of the vaginal lining to the presence of estrogen. During the time when the female is ovulating, estrogen is released in the body and the tissues of the vagina become swollen and protrude. Often there are other symptoms such as painful urination, bleeding and the most obvious symptom will be a mass of pink colored tissue protruding from the vulva.The condition is more common in certain breeds and these include the Weimaraner, Boxer, Springer Spaniel, Mastiff, English Bulldog, St. Bernard, German Shepherd and the Labrador Retriever. Other hound breeds may also be affected by the condition. There appears to be some hereditary predisposition to the condition as lines of dogs within a breed are more prone to vaginal hyperplasia while most of the females within the breed will have no symptoms of the condition. [...]

Protein Losing Enteropathy, A Difficult Condition To Diagnose And Treat

Protein Losing Enteropathy, also known more simply as PLE, is one of the most challenging of the metabolic disease to diagnose and understand. PLE occurs in many different breeds but is more common in the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier and the Basenji breeds. The condition is more common in small to medium breeds of dogs and is becoming more common in toy breeds. Both males and females are typically equally diagnosed and the condition can occur at any age. Often the symptoms are rather subtle and may simply be noted by the owner as a constant or chronic problem with diarrhea for the dog. In severe cases excessive weight loss and even swelling in the abdominal cavity can occur since the protein content of the body is so depleted that typical metabolic activity can occur. Once swelling or edema occurs in the chest, breathing will become labored and problematic and the dog may refuse to eat or want to exercise or move about. Lack of energy, fatigue and constant inactivity is considered to be the most common symptom noted in both advanced and early stages of the disease. [...]

Protein Losing Nephropathy - A Disease Of The Kidneys

Like Protein Losing Enteropathy, which is a protein and plasma losing disease of the gastrointestinal system, protein losing nephropathy allows protein and plasma to be lost from the kidneys. The medical term for protein losing nephropathy is glomerulopathies, which covers the entire range of protein losing conditions of the kidneys. Over time this condition results in a lack of protein to fuel the body, resulting in a shutdown of the metabolic processes, build of up fluid in the abdomen and chest cavities, and eventual death from complications with edema if not treated. With the kidneys affected the eventual result of the disease is renal failure, which is fatal in dogs. Typically PLN is seen in the same breeds that are affected by PLE, however PLN is more common in females than males and can often occur in dogs that are between the ages of two to six years. Breeds that are more predisposed to the condition include Samoyeds, Soft-coated Wheaten Terriers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Rottweilers, Beagles, Dobermans and Greyhounds. [...]

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